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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / AR400 Steel
- - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 06-10-2008 20:09
I have used the search on the forum and haven't come up with a lot of answers do anybody have anything on this steel like does it go by a different A# or any thing else such as preheat or postheat I have search the net but haven't had much luck at all.
     Thanks M.G.
Parent - By ravi theCobra (**) Date 06-10-2008 20:55
Take a look in a Ryerson catalog -  this is their trademarked  product  -  it  is  a quenched & tempered ,   high hardness , abrasion resistant

material   -

you  can  weld it  w/  7018   or   12018
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 06-11-2008 12:48
What's the brand name of the AR400?  Is it Armox or Hardox or something like that?   I know Armox does require slight preheat for tacking or small increment welds and Hardox does not.  A low hydrogen 70ksi wire or stick electrode will be a good match depending on what the application is intended for.  We weld on Hardox AR500 with a low hydrogen 80ksi FCAW electrode.  The stonger the electrode you use, the more rigid your your joints will be and cracking may occur someday.  Like I said though, it reallt depends on what the EOR says and what the application is for.
Parent - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 06-11-2008 23:48
      Thanks for every one's help. All I was told that it was AR400.
Parent - - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 06-17-2008 20:15
I just finished a job using Hardox AR plate.  It was a tumbler drum for some kind of abrasive cleaning system.  The company formed and tacked everything and we just had to pour the wire to it.  The company provided WPS did not call out any preheat for welding or tacking.  The part arrived in our shop with cracks on almost every tack holding it together.  I don't know how it even made it over in one piece.  I called their EOR and questioned him about it and he stated "that's how we have always done it".  So, we welded up some sections and ground out the cracked tacks, and welded it up with no problems.  They speced out a specific manufacture 110-G metal core wire that sure did put out a LOT of spatter no matter where the set-up was in the WPS range.  Again I called the EOR to inquire about the WPS, and he gave me the same response.  Long story short, we put down 25 pounds of wire, wire wheeled the plates, stamped it, and shipped it. 

What are any of your experiences with similar wires? Lots of spatter and smoke?
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 06-18-2008 12:36
What # AR plate were you wleding on?  FCAW is the way to go in my opinion because it welds over the Hardox corrosion coating much better.  Armox is really prone to cracking with small short welds with no preheat.  Hardox isn't supposed to need any preheat and we've never ad any probs with tacks busting.  What thickness was the Hardox you were working with?  We don't deal with anything over 3/8" thick so maybe thicker pieces are more prone to cracking.

Here is a good link for ya with hella info on Weldox, Hardox, and Armox!!
Parent - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 06-18-2008 14:37
Not sure what the AR# was, I'll get it when I get back to the shop.  Thickness was mostly 3/8 with a few small 1/2 sections.  Thanks for the link, it does have some good stuff!
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / AR400 Steel

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