Hey folks!
feeling pretty good right now. Passed my John Deere weld tests and my preliminary Mclaughlin weld tests!
I was felling nervous about my 3/8" 2G 60 deg. open root no backing test. I decided it was too late to get scared now and tacked it up, set it in my vice and ran it. Caught a great root pass and two passes later...it was flush to the surface. No scalping on the edges and full pen with no excessive root reinforcement. Got a pass on the 16 gauge galvanized sheet test too! Did that one down hand GMAW with NO burn through on the Lap and double-flare. Some folks didn't fare so well on the thin sheet, so they gave them 10 Gauge to weld. The whole point of the thin sheet was to demonstrate heat control. If I could do the thin gauge with no burn through...I didn't have to prove anything else.
Now I have to replicate the the same results on the 3/8" plate at the Plant for bend test. That's the next step.
Still waiting to get a call for the US Army Arsenal interview and test. I will be very patient on that one since I just put in the Self Nomination on Friday. But i have confidence that i will get that call soon.
Respectfully, Jeffrey
Hello Jeffrey, that's really great news. Does it surprise me? Hell no! Great to hear of your success, just keep 'em coming. Best regards, Allan
Thank You for the encouraging words. I was really nervous, but now that it's over for that round of tests for those Companies, I feel really at ease. I have tons to learn and am actually looking forward to all I can soak up. I'm not so proud as to turn down instruction from more experienced weldors. Thaks again Allan.
Respectfully, Jeffrey
Atta boy Jeff!!
I am with Allan on .
Good JOB! In my opinion, they get easier and more fun as you go.
One thing I often think about is the fact that even if I bust a test, I am still a good welder. I am in a trade that requires constant "proof" that I am good at it. If I do it long enough, one fails.

Great Job Jeffrey!!
As always your hard work pays off. Great to hear you're still knockin em down!!!
Congrats my friend!
Tiny welder :D
Allan, John, Gerald and Jenn
Thanks folks for the encouragement. It feels Great to know that in this Forum good results are acknowledged. Wow I'm still pretty Amped-up about this!! Welding gives so much back to a person.
Respectfully, Jeffrey
Yaaaahhhhh! Good job. keep doing that & you'll own the company!! :-) S.W.
Way to fire, Jeffrey! Good job and go nail that next one!