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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Certified Robots??????
- - By ScottVandenbos Date 07-19-2001 16:26
I know of the general process for certifying people to a standard. Is there anybody out there who has applied the standards to robotic welding? We are going from manual to robotic welding and I would like to know of somebody that has batteled the 'certified robot' war.
Parent - By R. Johnson (**) Date 07-19-2001 20:38
ASME refers to robotic welding as automatic welding equipment and the operator as a welding operator.
Since our company was not doing any ASME work we classified them as machine operators just like someone running a lathe and only looked for training records and not qualification records.
We did establish internal company requirements for the robot programmers though. Hope this helps.
Parent - By tazman1 Date 08-17-2001 16:51
AWS D14.3 (section 7.4.1) outlines the requirements for Welding Operators. The Standard defines a "welding operator" as one who operates adaptive control, automatic, mechanized, or robotic welding equipment. The required tests are also spelled out. Good luck.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Certified Robots??????

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