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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pipe Welding
- - By Pate Date 06-12-2008 15:09 Edited 06-12-2008 16:58
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-12-2008 15:29
YES :-)
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 06-12-2008 15:41
To add on to what John has told you, I will ask you a question. ;-)  What would you like to know about it?
Parent - - By Pate Date 06-12-2008 15:46 Edited 06-12-2008 15:51
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 06-12-2008 16:49
Don't ever give up o trying to get a god job because if you do, you will never find one.  So your a women asking for tips?  We would be more then willing to help regardless of your gender, but your question is very broad.  What kinds of tips would you like?  You can do a search on pipe welding in this forum and all kinds of information will pop up, some of the info may be what you are looking for.
Parent - - By Pate Date 06-12-2008 16:57
Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 06-12-2008 17:40
Practice your ARSE off, especially the root. Like Kix said, try to find out about exactly what the procedure, specifics & setup is, etc. Then, get practicing on it. All the books in the world won't touch time behind the hood, especially being it's a GTAW root. Practice, practice, practice!!!! Hopefully, you have the circumstances to do so. If you're not accustomed to doing this kind of welding, I wouldn't suggest trying it cold. Even the best weldors blow tests sometimes. I don't care how good they are, or often they're doing it. If they haven't, (or say they haven't) they have just been lucky so far. Set your mind to it & you will do it, no problem. Good luck! :-) S.W.
Parent - - By tighand430 (***) Date 06-12-2008 18:52
Ah, the super coupon test. Gettin to be alot more common now that it'll certify for unlimited thickness.  Here's how I do it:
1/8 gap with feather edge or very little land with 1/8 filler at about 75 amps.  Turn the hot pass up 10-15 and run 3/32. Fill with 3/32 7018 at 85-90 amps. Cap with 3/32 at about 80 amps.  I run stringers with the 7018. You can weave a little but you got to worry about the slag  getting trapped at the bottom of the bead if you go too wide.  When you get the pipe flushed out, leave about a 1/16th underfilled, it'll be red from all the heat so let it cool for a little before you put your cap on. Put first bead right on the lower bevel then stack em as usual. Usually have a 5 or 6 bead cap depending on how tight you run.
Parent - By brightblue (**) Date 06-12-2008 20:31
I'm looking forward to learning the language you folks speak! :)
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pipe Welding

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