You call yourself Kornphlake and we take you seriously :)
His website has about 100 pages of free data.
Frankly, when your equipment won't work and you can't fix it, and are looking for help in internet chatrooms, it seems a bit obserd to complain about writing style and peer reviews.
$15,000 powersupply won't work, $20,000 robot won't work... Your prolly being paid $200 dollars a day not to fix it. Solutions in a $30 book but you don't like the authors style?
If you don't like Ed, fine. There are a long list of consultants (with Ed's book hidden in their brief case) who you can pay an additional $1,500 per day to come in and give it a go .... or
Fix it yourself.
Nicely said,as always.
Thanks for the opinions. I went ahead and bought Ed's book for management and engineers, if there isn't something that will help in the 600+ pages that is specifically related to this problem, I'm sure there is something that will help with another problem.
I ended up buying the book used off amazon, if the book impresses me I may buy more of Ed's books and other training materials but I'm not too comfortable ordering from his website, it's not secure, even mentioning sending credit card information in an email as an alternate makes me cringe. Is there any bookstore or website that carries Ed's books?
I'm not a big fan of Ed's website either as it seems more like a gigantic advertisement that could be better written. I wouldn't be one to fault his knowledge of the subject though.
However, I did spend the money for one of his books recently, and it is as well written as other welding books, in a more matter-of-fact style than his website for sure.