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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Bolting endorsement offered free to beta testers
- - By ross (***) Date 06-26-2008 15:14 Edited 06-26-2008 15:55
Beta Test Candidates Wanted  

AWS is seeking candidates to participate in a beta test for the AWS Structural Bolting & Structural Drawing Reading exams. There is no charge for the exams, and those who are selected and successfully pass the exams will receive an endorsement or endorsements to their CWI/SCWI credentials. Candidates must be willing to take both exams. You must be a current CWI or SCWI to qualify and participate in these beta tests. The exams will take place on July 12, 2008, at the Welder Training and Testing Institute in Allentown, Pa.

There are 20 openings for the exam and candidates will be selected on a first-come, first-qualified basis. Interested candidates should complete the endorsements application, which can be found at 

All completed applications should be submitted for processing to the: American Welding Society
Attn: Peter Howe
550 NW LeJeune Rd.
Miami, FL 33126

Fax:  (305) 443-6445
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 06-26-2008 18:04
This is really ironic. 
I was about to post a question as to whether there is a CWI equivelent for bolting inspectors.  Basically I have so many bolting issues, and I would like to discuss my questions/ issues with others, but of course this is a welding forum.  It would be nice to have something, this way when the guys in the filed who have been storing the bolts in a broken down pizza box in the rain try to give me a hard time when I explain to them why they can't do that, it would be an advantage to back up what I say if one has some type of certification behind it.  Right now I don't think there is anything.   Chris
Parent - - By ross (***) Date 06-26-2008 18:17
You can't use a pizza box to store bolts in the rain. You have to use one of those foam cartons Big Macs used to come in.

I'll start a bolting inspection section on the forum if you want, especially since AWS is going in that direction.

Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 06-26-2008 18:56
My vote is yes.  Although I know there will be those diehard people who feel this should only be about welding.  My opinion is that a lot of us as QC have to deal with both issues (bolts and welding) and that as QC anytime theres a question or issue it eventually comes to us. 
Thanks Ross
Parent - By swnorris (****) Date 06-26-2008 19:14

You can back up what you say if you have the RCSC Manual and you can show a reference to back up what you're telling someone.

I'd also like to see a bolting section.
Parent - - By ross (***) Date 06-26-2008 19:37
Mission: The American Welding Society is the largest organization in the world dedicated to advancing the science,
technology, and application of welding and allied processes, including joining, brazing, soldering, cutting, and
thermal spray.

The bolting board can now be found the the forum home page under "Processes."

Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-26-2008 19:57 Edited 06-26-2008 22:21
APPLAUSE!! Welding & joining of metals. As a Welding/Steel inspector I think it is appropriate. JMHO

Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 06-26-2008 20:00
in addition to swnorris' reference( i think that AISC ASD/LRFD have this included if you have access to a copy), i think that the ICC special inspectors for steel also cover high strength bolting. It's been a few years science i had the cert so things might have changed. I'm sure someone will be able to give current info.
Around 1999 the largest municipality in my area set up a cert for proprietary bolts. This was required for the installation of any wedge anchor or epoxied bolt that installed on a building in the city. We were required to monitor drilling, cleaning, and installation of thing like bolts for sprinkler lines. Some of it seemed like a bit of over kill.
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 06-26-2008 22:14
Looks like your spell checker put you in the science mode!  :)
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 06-27-2008 03:28
Ross, this truly seems ironic somehow.  I once pushed very hard for the AWS leadership to adopt a metallurgy certificate, or endorsement if you will, and was instructed that American Society for Metals already has such a program, which they apparently do, but are nonresponsive to e-mailed inquiries regarding such.  As I'm employed overseas, it's a bit difficult calling ASM... and now AWS has a bolting endorsement??? 

Okay, granted, fasteners are good stuff but why, using the reasoning above, didn't leadership refer to AISI or AISC???  Somehow, given the above, this just seems a bit squirrely...
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 06-27-2008 14:31
I can understand the relationship as far as CWI's go since people in QC often get involved in bolting. I would think something such as a MT/PT/UT/RT endorsement would be more in line with "American Welding Society" . Since those are methods of inspection directly related to welding. It just seems the endorsement bandwagon could fill up quick.

What about painting, fitup/final dimensions, Quality Assurance, Document Review, etc..., P&ID walkdown, flange boltup, rotating equipment alignment, Inspection and Test Plan preparation, Quality System Knowledge . How about an endorsement in Computers? OR how about an endorsement for being able to weld ? Though that is NOT directly related to welding inspection, its purty close. Thats a big part of what many of us do.

There could be a rather large collection of endorsements.

An interesting thing to do would be to create an online survey of CWI's describing what industry specialties they would value an endorsement in. Of course this would limit the sample group to only those people with internet access. A mass mailing could also be done for those that did not respond via internet. The CWI number could be used as the login verification to eliminate duplicate entries.

Just a thought.

What about Private endorsements. An independent agency seperate and apart from AWS could prepare a multitude of test questions on various subjects and allow only those who hold or have held CWI numbers to take the tests. The tests results could be available online to any potential client/employer to review the results of that persons tests.
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 06-27-2008 16:33
Well, it's nice to hear I'm not the only one, good job everybody.  
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 06-27-2008 16:52
Well, it's not a BAD idea, this endorsement... certainly a good need for it in the construction industry, it's just that I think most of us agrue there are other endorsements that might more approximate what we're all about.  What's next, a grouting certificate???
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 06-27-2008 16:58
I would like to propose the "AWS Certifed Forum User" endorsement. I would then be able to show that I have the ability to solve almost any problem in the universe.
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 06-27-2008 17:00
is that certified forum user, or qualified forum user?
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 06-27-2008 17:04
There will actually be two standards. One in which the entire certification process is controlled and adminstered by AWS and the other in which AWS provides a guide for you to do it yourself but it doesn't carry as much weight as the others.
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-08-2008 00:42
Pipewelder, Jon

First of all, I want to thank you for a thoughtful post.  I usually see shrill anti AWS rants on this subject.

The ASME has just instituted their Bolting Certification. It is for flanges, miscellaneous mechanical.  ASME almost did it through the AWS Structural Inspector Subcommittee, but when they visited AWS Headquarters, they were rather ungraciously received by AWS Staff.  They could not be given the time their interest merited by my Subcommittee, because we had our agenda to cover.  However they were well received by the Structural Inspector Subcommittee.  Just today I heard from the ASME Committee that there is a chance that ASME may still run some of their training and testing through some AWS ATFs.

National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) has the painting and coatings inspector certifications, as well as a host of other certifications, including metallurgical and welding engineering.  In fact the NACE Certifications are really really really expensive.  (If you get on the NACE E-Mail Forum, you will be amazed at the volume and depth of welding information.)

The Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) has other painting and inspector certifications.

API has all kinds of Certifications.

As you suggest, it is not going to stop.  Why should it?  The customers / End users, want to be sure they are not hiring shady tree mechanics.

As to your suggestion that a survey be performed,  It is not in the CWIs best interest to ask them what they want.  It is more important to ask the end users / consumers of the CWI Certification what they need in the CWIs that they hire or the testing labs that they hire.  To that end, I made a motion a year ago that we ask the Board of Directors to fund a Third Party commercial survey.  Later this month, we should have the results of that survey.

As to your Suggestion that an independent agency prepare test questions and issue endorsements to holders of the CWI Certification.  That is an interesting idea, but I don't see the point, except to give a reciprocal certification based on some mutual recognition agreement between the different societies.  The testing funds would not benefit either of the societies, unless there was a royalty agreement, (which would raise the cost further).  Why do you begrudge the AWS or the other societies, making the money?

Joe Kane
Chairman, Structural Inspector Subcommittee.
Parent - - By waynekoe (**) Date 07-07-2008 20:07
Ross, my question is how long do you think it will take for the industry to recognize the AWS bolting Endorsement? The way I see it, the endorsement is just about worthless if not recognized by the IBC.  How long before that would happen, and why should they accept it? If it comes down to whether either one is acceptable, most people are going to go for the lowest bidder so to speak, what would make the AWS one better and less expensive? Wayne
Parent - By ross (***) Date 07-07-2008 21:24
I think there are people on this forum who could give you more insight than I could.

Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-07-2008 23:44
The IBC Section 1704, does not specify that the Special Inspector has to be certified by ICC.  The Bolting Endorsement and the Drawings Reading Endorsement are prerequisites for the Certified Structural Inspector Endorsement, which is a "Special Inspector" Endorsement / Certification for CWIs.

The DOT bridge community is interested in the Bolting Endorsement.

You are correct about the price and the Lowest Bidder. However, there is nothing I can do about that.  A different Committee and the AWS Board of Directors are responsible for that.  Get active in your local AWS Section, and sit on the face of your District Director and complain about that.

Joe Kane,

Chairman, Structural Inspector Subcommittee.
Parent - By waynekoe (**) Date 07-08-2008 01:17
Joe and Ross, Thanks for the reply.  If the AWS could offer a more quality driven product then the ICC, it could be worth the extra money (if it proved to be more costly than the ICC). And your correct about the IBC, though, as I recall, the IBC has been assimilated into the ICC collective. But, for the most part and at this time, the ICC Special Inspector cert is is the most prevalent and sought after requirement, even as a minimum. I'm just about for anything that requires more knowledge and inspectors to be a little more street wise, for lsck of a better term. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Once again, thanks. Wayne
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