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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / IT vs employee
- - By hogan (****) Date 07-02-2008 19:50
This is very funny
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-02-2008 20:30
That is KILLER funny!!!! LMFAO :-)

Parent - By hogan (****) Date 07-02-2008 20:49
it made my day better
Parent - By rlitman (***) Date 07-02-2008 20:51
So, that's what happened last night!

Man, that reminds me of an admin I had years ago, who used to reboot systems in the middle of the day.  Memories. . .
Parent - By johnnyh (***) Date 07-03-2008 20:59
The IT guys here in the office couldnt stop laughing after I sent that link to them.  The best part was when his boss couldnt find the email that he just erased.  And the desktop part was hilarious!
Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 07-07-2008 15:59
Hey thank you!!!

I have quite a few friends who are network admins, who are in need of this some days... I will pass it along, the next time they call me and are ready to choke the person trying to put their S key back on, or get a replacement "cup holder" for their computer. lol

I tell them mouses have strings for a reason, so the user can retrieve it after the network admin strategically places it for them :)
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-07-2008 17:26
LOL :-)

"Strategically placed"

Thats funny!!

Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 07-07-2008 17:46
Hee hee, Thank you! I was hoping someone would get that! And trying to think of a nice way to put it, I think I did a good job of that - took a minute...  :)
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-07-2008 17:48
  VERY politically correct IMHO. LOL :-)

Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 07-07-2008 19:18 Edited 07-07-2008 19:20
It's interesting that someone should mention a mouse.  I've had a lot of trouble with my mouse lately.  I tried everything I could think of.  I eventually changed the ball and it works fine now.  Not being computer savvy, I only found this out through extensive trial and error.  For the benefit of those of you who may not be up on this, if a mouse fails to operate or should it perform erratically, it may need a ball replacement.  Because of the delicate nature of this procedure, replacement of mouse balls should only be attempted by highly trained personnel, as I found out the hard way.  Before proceeding, the replacer must first determine the type of mouse balls by examining the underside of the mouse.  Domestic mouse balls will be larger and harder than foreign balls.  Ball removal procedures differ depending upon the manufacturer of the mouse, but typically, foreign mouse balls can be replaced using the pop-off method and domestic balls are replaced using the twist-off method.  Contrary to popular belief, mouse balls are not usually static sensitive.  However, excessive mouse ball handling can result in a sudden discharge.  Therefore, I highly recommend wearing safety glasses when handling mouse balls.  Upon the successful completion of ball replacement, the mouse may be used immediately. 
Parent - By Jenn (***) Date 07-07-2008 19:51
ROFLMAO!!! As always..... :)
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-07-2008 20:47
My mouse only has one ball. My dog eventually out grew this. Will my mouse? Or should I get a new one?
Parent - By Goldfinger Date 07-12-2008 13:20
Well I have a female mouse it has no balls to worry about. Would say that if you are going to replace your mouse you also do the same as you do not have to worry about all the lint getting on the ball or rollers any more..
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / IT vs employee

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