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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / 12 Years Later
- - By johnnyh (***) Date 07-03-2008 20:41
I realized that if I was doing my apprenticeship these days instead of the late 90's that I wouldnt be able to afford the gas to make it to class.  When I was driving from Lake Jackson to Houston for school at night the gas would cost me about 12 dollars a trip (and that wasnt pocket change for a 19-23 yr old).  Now the same trip would cost 35-40 dollars.  I would not been able to afford the gas to make it to class 3 nights a week.  I feel for the young guys that are struggling to do the right things.  I know the employers havent adjusted for the cost of living that much in 12 years.  Have they??
Parent - By dobsalot (**) Date 07-03-2008 22:48
I agree with you on the wage's, thirty years ago I was making 10 to 12 $ an hour as helper and general roustabout work but gas was mabey  a buck30 or so. I  have kids trying to make it on less money than that now!  I feel for the kids these days having to deal with the high fuel cost.  They also have other added expenses that I didn't have 30yr ago, such as a cell phone bill.To Find a young person without a cell phone today would be a real rarity.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-03-2008 23:02
When someone asks me the question "whats up?" I answer "everything but the wages."  And it is true. The cost of living is up, gas prices are up, rent is up, car prices are up, BUT hourly wages, wages in general, mileage, and per diem have STAYED THE SAME!!!!


Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 07-03-2008 23:42
Never a truer statement was made, So now if we can get those guys to stop running their rigs for $50 - $60 per hour things might change .
Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-04-2008 02:47
Good luck on that. Here, in Michigan, the average factory wage is between $8-12 an hour. I was making $8.65 an hour 14 years ago cleaning stoves in a Las Vegas hotel. Now, gas is $4+ a gallon, food skyrocketing & you're lucky to get $10 an hour out of a non union factory here. All the good manufacturing jobs are gone & they are not coming back. Truly a sad situation. :-(

It's not surprising that crime has went up, just like everything else. Makes you wonder how much longer it can go on? S.W.

"Killing is my business....And business is good!" (Killing Is My Business...(and business is good), Megadeth, Killing Is My Business....And Business Is Good LP)
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 07-04-2008 06:02
   I started My tool & die apprenticeship in '77, I started at $ 3.50 /Hr. and gas was $0.60+ a gallon. When I got My papers in '81 I was earning $7.57/Hr and gas was about $1.30 + a gallon.

   When I was about 17 I remember one of the local guys would bum a dollar bill from His Mom and drive His VW Bug to the gas station to get a pack of smokes for $0.40 and 1 gallon of gas for $0.60.That was about a 6 mile round trip, so He had enough gas left over to last untill He could bum another buck.
Parent - - By Pipeslayer (**) Date 07-07-2008 12:22
I realized this weekend that our good ole $100 bill is actually our old $20 from 10 years ago. I remember when a fifty in my pocket I was good for gas,lunch and etc. Now $100 I dont even have gas in the tank. Went to the lake this weekend and this was the breakdown
Gas for Truck    $95
Gas for Boat     $ 115
Smokes            $12
Beer                $30
Food               $40
TOTAL             $ 292

This was for 5 hrs. of boating. What is the working man to do????
Parent - - By arrowside (**) Date 07-08-2008 23:35
16.00 for a 30 pack of Blue or Bud around here. You've either got one hell of a powerful thirst, an awesome designated driver, or you need to tell your friends to buy their own beer. And where you stuffed 40.00 worth of food after drinking that much, I have no idea!
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-09-2008 00:15
I am guessing that since it was our "National" holiday, he probably went high end on everything. Top of the line across the board.

Understandable. LOL :-)

I do that sometimes. I will sometimes go high end for certain events or occasions.

OR maybe he has a big boat.

Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-09-2008 02:09
$16 for a 30 pack of Bud is cheap. I gotta give that for PBR!! I like it though! After a few, it's all the same anyways. ;-)

I can't afford nice outings like that anymore. I just take a trip without leaving the farm these days. (No, I don't drop anymore either!! :-))S.W.
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-09-2008 02:05
Back in '79 when my uncle hired in to GM, the line pay was around $7 & change. They make darn near $30 per hour now with free benefits. Trades is about $5 more than production. That said, just about every other job around here is $8-12 at best. The good 'ol days are GONE. They are NOT coming back! :-( It's a stinking shame the average man makes about squat & Julia Roberts commands a smooth $22 million per film. Must be nice. I can hardly stomach professional sports anymore, if I start thinking about how much those guys get paid. Their agents are the ones REALLY making the money though!

But, my friends....In the end, it's only money. It's not everything. :-)

Into the streets they will throw their silver, and an abhorrent thing their gold will become. Neither their gold or silver will deliver them....." (The Bible, Ez 7:19)
Parent - - By Pipeslayer (**) Date 07-09-2008 11:28
well I was thirsty but that was enough beer for the whole holiday weekend (2people) and then some. Food that was just a few ribeyes and the delicious sidess to go with it. 18 pack bud cans cost $12 here and smokes are around $3- $3.50 a pack. I know that is cheap for smokes but so are our wages. Gas $3.91
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-09-2008 11:53
Where you at Pipeslayer?? Nuthin' that cheap around here!! I'm glad you had a good time last weekend. :-) It's nice to have a good time once in awhile! S.W.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-09-2008 13:49
Well in the Comunistwelth of Taxachusetts Gas is $ 4.60 Smokes are 6.75 a pack , 1/2 tank of home oil $600+.
The only other time i can remember paying that much for smokes was when there was a bunch of naked chicks runnin around.
2 packs of smokes and 1 slushie 15.25.
10 gal of gas 46.00
The nerve of these politicians Priceless.
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-09-2008 14:06
Now, THAT sucks!!! :-( :-( :-( I think New Jersey is #1 for cigarette tax, followed by Michigan, last I knew. Sounds like you guys are more though. Bad, bad, bad. S.W.
Parent - - By Pipeslayer (**) Date 07-09-2008 17:12
Steve I'm in South Carolina and here things are high to us. Wages ,home prices, and etc are lower here. Nothing high here to yall but the DAMN heat (99 today) humidity 95% feels like hell. We are the cheapest on smokes. I was up in Alaska months ago and paid $9 for a pack.
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-09-2008 17:25
Yeah, some things are cheaper there down south. I lived in Las Vegas for 11 years, so the heat's no biggie to me. Just the frigging humidity!!!!! I'm not crazy about Michigan, but it's home....For now. :-)

I hear everything's expensive in Alaska. Especially potato chips & crap they have to ship up there that takes up lots of space. Good money to be made though! Never been to S. Carolina. I want to go one day. Been thru Tenn & Kentucky. Real pretty & not too expensive to live there. One day, when I actually have money again....:-)

Take care man. :-) Steve.
Parent - - By arrowside (**) Date 07-09-2008 22:12
I am sooooooo glad that I quit smoking them things a couple of years back. They are 6.00+ a pack here in western NY now. Freaking socialists want to tax the hell out of everything in sight, then give all of your hard earned money to a bunch of losers and illegals. Shiny happy people my ass.................

    Everyone on public assistance should be drug tested weekly!!!!!!! Hot test??? No checky checky. With all of the left over money from the uncashed welfare checks, we can train the ones that do want to work. End of problem. NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-09-2008 23:16 Edited 07-09-2008 23:18
YEEEEAAAAHHHHHHH! :-) I gave them up in '93. Too bad the bleeding Liberals will never let that happen. It would be a violation of their rights.

Most people living off PA don't really want to work, it's easier to sit on their duff & collect a check.

I say we recreate the Alphabet Agencies of the 1930's....Give a job to those that have none & pay a fair rate. Only, invalidate the assistance of the ones that can't, or claim they aren't able to work. Put them thru such a gambit of red tape & endless circles of incompetence that in order to file for assistance, the incredible bureaucracy the applicant would be forced to wade thru, only to do more paperwork & mandatory impromptu drug testing would discourage those not really needing it, forcing them to abandon their claims.

Oh, and when they are finally pre approved, have them go before a panel made up of mainly Military Veterans, Law Enforcement & selected individuals from branches of government who investigate Public Assistance Fraud. They will be the ones to finalize the approval for assistance. Think of it.....The ones that really wanted a job could be building schools, highways, digging for oil... Integrate them into society to become useful members of it. Do away with all the sweetheart no bid contracts to private contractors heavily overcharging the government for shoddy work. If you get arrested for anything, especially drugs....Automatic lifetime revocation of assistance. And jail time for defrauding the government. Of course, in the real world, that would never happen. S.W.
Parent - - By arrowside (**) Date 07-11-2008 00:07
I could not possibly agree more. The ones who get caught for fraud do not get jail time either. They get hard labor, or they get to do an involuntary impersonation of a buddhist monk's ultimate sacrafice. Sans gasoline. Too expensive these days. Be cool.
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-11-2008 01:37
Yeah! Great revision. Like you said, not gonna happen. But, really, honest people who really needed to work really benefited from FDR's plan. They built roads, maintained government land, even dug ditches & filled them back up. THE point was....They were doing something besides sitting around, waiting on the next check to go straight to the drug house with. Gave the jobless man some dignity. It's just a pathetic state the system's in now. A good idea, but when you put imperfect people into the mix, some will willfully take advantage. I agree, make the punishment so harsh, that the slackers would be very hesitant to take advantage of the system.

I believe prisons should be run the same way. The ones that made a mistake, want to get their time done & return to a productive life in society should be given an ample opportunity to do so. When an inmate goes into a prison system & comes out with more criminal contacts & is a more violent, aggressive individual when he went in.....There's a problem. I have never been in prison & hope never to be, but I watch a lot of those shows documenting the crap that goes on in some institutions & wonder just how effective it really is to lock someone up for decades or even life. From what I have seen & a number of individuals I have met & known who have been in prison for a length of time proved to me that it's really doing little more than keeping dangerous people off the street. In reality, they receive training to become more dangerous & effective criminals for the most part.

I was a kitchen supervisor In Las Vegas for years & had a great deal of difficult individuals working for me. Gang bangers, pimps, drug dealers, thugs, etc. If I ran my crew like I have seen some of these institutions run, I would be the one working while my employees ran me around like their little bi**h. You can be nice, but drop the hammer when you have to & get the attention of individuals who do not want to obey the rules. Respect is key and when the tough guys know you're not going to put up with their crap for a second, and you prove that to them when they test you & try & step on your toes....They usually get the picture quickly & get their act together. I also carried a .45 automatic with me everywhere I went but while I was actually on the floor working. I never told anyone, but anyone that knew me, knew what I was about. I'm not saying I have all the answers, but it seems the prisoners are the ones controlling the prison, not the staff.

It can't stay like this forever. At least that's what I believe anyways. My two pennies. Steve
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 07-11-2008 03:07
need more sherriffs like joe arpaio, he has inmates running the animal shelter,working chain gaings, living in tents in the phoenix heat and eating only balogna sandwiches among other things.
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-11-2008 03:11
Yeah, he's pretty cool. I want to say that there's a neon sign hanging in the yard that reads Vacancy, or something to that effect. The inmate clothing is pink too, nice touch. That dude's got my vote for sure!! S.W.
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 07-11-2008 03:14
he does have a sign, I used to see it everyday on my way to work. back when he started the tents, he moved people out of the air conditioned jail into tents and move his police dogs into them,lol
Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-11-2008 03:24
Yeah. I saw a documentary on his jail. I love it. Maybe it will deter some of the individuals who have been there not to go back! S.W.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / 12 Years Later

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