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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / More Global Warming Hilarity
- - By js55 (*****) Date 07-11-2008 13:40
News release: Scientists recently discovered that the glaciers on mount Shasta in California are growing. (Never mind the ice pack in Antarctica is also growing, the Warmiacs are only concerned about polar bear buoyancy in the north)
But, not to be caught off guard the Warmiacs immediately responded to this astonishing news.
You see, that confirms global warming because as the earth warms the Pacific ocean generates more moisture that moves on shore and precipitates as an increase in glacier volume in California mtns.
Now let me aks, with the warming of the planet since the last ice age how do you explain the receding of Shastas glaciers over the last 10,000 years?
And, is there no increased atmospheric moisture on Big Al Bore's poster peak Kilamanjaro? What about the Andes? Are they growing or receding? I'm really confused here. Big Al says receding, but the Warmiacs in white coats with their Bunsun burners and centrfuges say they should be growing.
How do you explain the continued receding of the Palisade glacier (a true scenic gem) in the Sierra Mtns just south of Shasta? Subject to the same ocean. Same on shore develpment. Same everything. Just like the Andes.
And where's Big Al Bore and his Glacier Cherry picking fit in all this.
Does this mean that when glaciers recede they prove global warming and when glaciers grow they prove global warming? Wow!!!
But then, why did Big Al avoid growing glaciers in his now infamous documentary?
Its now clear, everything proves global warming.
I entitled this post with the word Hilarity. But given that billions of our tax dollars hang in the balance on this thing (not to mention that there are plenty of countries with the agenda to stifle American growth-imagine that-that are pushing this thing on us), it ain't funny at all.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 07-11-2008 14:28
The planet climatology cycles every so many millions of years... scientifically proven fact.  My guess is we're probably approaching another one of those cycles, maybe things will change in another 100,000 years or so.  I like the fact that people are becoming more aware of the environment but do think way too much panic is being pushed... more propaganda, as usual.
Parent - - By brightblue (**) Date 07-11-2008 15:23
See? This is all the EARTH'S fault!!!

So I say we invade it and bomb the hell out of it......wait......we've already done that....

Well, that idea was first and last on my Solutions List, so you guys are going to have to figure it out from here I guess.

Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-12-2008 03:40
Dang it, I'm movin' to mars! S.W. :-)
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-11-2008 14:30
Anyone who can take scientific facts and look at them objectively can judge for themselves about Al Gore and his Myths. Plus, I no longer have any faith in the annual recorded global temps that NASA publishes...I have in my hands reports printed from March of this year for each year dating back to the 1800's. I also have the same reports that I printed off thier site in 2005, for some unexplained reason these temps have been changed/altered in recent years to reflect a warming trend.....if the temps were recorded as they saw them in those previous years, how do you explain the changes...does AL Gore also have a time machine that he isn't telling us about wherein he can go back in time and change the reports to say what he wants them to say?...I say Horsehockey to anything Al Gore has to sputter out of his lips.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 07-11-2008 15:04
Thats very disturbing, though I suppose it shouldn't be surprising. Science is driven by money.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 07-11-2008 15:25
I have to say that I personnaly do believe the earth is warming. We are after all still receding from the last ice age (I think), 10k years is but a blink of an eye geologically. But given that I grew up (many moons ago) in Bakersfield California where temps were consistently in the 100's in the summer, 1 year we had over a hundred days in a row above above 100, and saw on an occasional basis 110, I find it difficult to believe that with the weather reports I see of back home now that there is any noticiable change in my lifetme. Certainly not enogh to scare me into forking over a bigger chunk of my paycheck to Big Al and his carbon credit croanies. Or watching while my country is brought to its knees economically while India and China (the rising kings of GHG's)are thumbing their noses at us building fossil plants by the gross.

Come on. If the polar bears are drowning, and the glaciers are calving like a herd of beefsteak on the hoof, wouldnt' I at least notice some difference?
Of course the centrifuge heads say no. They have to.
Funny thing though. Take a look at the disciplines of the scientists that are arguing for warming. We have geologists and biologists and hydrologists and bulls**tologists but so few climatologists in the bunch. I ain't talking the bozo's on the evening news that condescend to us with explanations of inverted layers and isobars, I'm talking the real research guys. Now, its not that they don't have something of value to offer in this dialogue, but wouldn't you think the guys in the very fray would have something also? And shouldn't we look to them first?
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 07-11-2008 15:28
I do believe there is a shift happening in the earths climate but I don't believe this is a man created phenomenom... well, at least not entirely and I don't believe there is a global warming, I think there's just a change of patterns.  Maybe in a million years Florida (if its still there) will have glaciers and Alaska will be warm year round, lol!
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 07-11-2008 15:50 Edited 07-11-2008 16:12
And a cheer went up from Point Barrow!!!
Of course the speedo boys on Duval street Key West won't be so happy.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 07-12-2008 04:14
If the sea level goes up 16' the only dry land on Key West will be the aproach to the Palm Avenue Bridge.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 07-12-2008 04:21
      IF the earth is warming, and sea levels are going to rise, We had damned well determine if Man's contribution to global warming is significant or not. If the warming is a natural, sure bet thing, We had better figure out how to deal with higher sea levels instead of wasting time & money trying to stop Mankind's release of greenhouse gasses.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-14-2008 15:16
I'd very much like to have a copy of those old reports if there is someway to get them. Let me know if this is doable.
Parent - - By okiewelder2 (**) Date 07-14-2008 21:13
i dont have time to worry about global warming and all that crap im still trying to recover from y2k.
Parent - By swnorris (****) Date 07-15-2008 13:18
I'm sure glad they called it the y2k bug instead of the y2k giant man eating crocodile.  If they hadn't, we'd still be reeling from the effects of that one.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / More Global Warming Hilarity

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