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Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / flux core weld test
- - By Mr.Sparks (*) Date 07-11-2008 21:53
Hello everyone
I have a weld test comming up next week and 3 of the welds are with FCAW all the way out in the 2g 3g 4g postions with no backing bar

does any one have any tips with the gap,landing,root and when to weave or use stringers


Parent - - By arrowside (**) Date 07-12-2008 11:05
Do you know what code you are testing to?

      The reason I ask is because in D1.1, when you pass 4g, you get 2g with it.

     A 3g using FCAW with no backer is no easy task. Hopefully you're using the 1" coupon.

     The root opening and root face should be pre-determined by the code.

      Always remember with FCAW to keep it moving. Don't go too slow.
Parent - By Mr.Sparks (*) Date 07-12-2008 21:47
I'll have to give them a call on monday and find out what code thier welding to
I can tell you thier buliding  water towers
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 07-13-2008 03:08
It could be a company requirement to run all 3 tests. I test welders to 3G (we dont weld overhead where I work) and alot of my welders have a hard time running horizontal even though the code says they can. building water towers most welds are horiz or vertical and it could be they want to be sure the welder is capable of it! A code is a minimum standard. anyone can exceed the what the code says.

I been doing some PQR's lately for being able to weld fillets in flat(which is actually horizontal) so I'm welding the PQR's in the horizontal to cover 1F & 2F welds. about 1 in 5 plates get rejected visually by me and the welders I test are some good welders, they just cant seem to run a horizontal very easily.

I would still check though, could save an extra test!
Parent - By crazycajun (**) Date 07-14-2008 00:12
well, i will put it like this. if your a good welder, those tests should be a walk in the park. put abour 1/8" gap so your bead will burn through the back and will be easier to clean and back weld. we dont test 2G down here, usually if you can weld overhead they give the horoz. to ya as a gift haha. as far as the stringer just run ya beads and usually a 3 pass cap (weld reinforcment) should get you through just fine. then again it all depends on the inspector giving the test, and how he wants it to look.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / flux core weld test

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