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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Pipewelding Training
- - By Erikgr7 (*) Date 07-17-2008 16:47
Hello all,

I had a quick question about becoming a pipe welder.

I went to tech and have certificates for everything except pipewelding.

For sometime I have been working as a structual welder and now have
a desire to maybe become a pipewelder. I was looking at Lincoln Electrics
school in Cleveland, Ohio. They offer 4 weeks of stick welding pipe and then
4 weeks of Tig on the pipe. This seems very short to me? Is this enough
time to really learn this? My tech school had a 6 month program for pipe
and that was after a year of welding first.

Is it possible to get a job with this? without having to join the pipefitters

Thanks for all replies.
Parent - - By Pipeslayer (**) Date 07-17-2008 18:02
If you are very sound in your fundamentals it might be enough. Everyone is different as to how well they take to welding. lots of programs teach to much book stuff because its cheaper than rods and material. If you wish to be a welder you need to be under a hood. After you can read all the extra stuff to make you well rounded. I'm not saying that you dont need the book training, I'm just saying the book dont help that much if you can't really weld.
Parent - - By Erikgr7 (*) Date 07-17-2008 19:05 Edited 07-17-2008 19:07

Thanks for the reply.

I agree with you the best is the hands on training. The school I went to had
two welding instructors. They were very hard on us and I found out that I
was better than average when I finally got out in the real World.

In school I welded a pipe with a 7018 rod in the 6G position just for,
I know I can do the basics..I just wasn't sure if that was enough time to be
good enough to pass a test for a job.
Parent - - By Erikgr7 (*) Date 07-17-2008 19:36
I did some Tig but, it was mostly on plates..not on pipes.

Below is a sample of what we did

Parent - By Pipeslayer (**) Date 07-17-2008 19:44
Just do some research and dont be talked to like a salesman.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-17-2008 19:44
Parent - By mustang8739 Date 07-18-2008 00:43
nice weld i cant wait to start school and get under my hood
Parent - By medicinehawk01 (**) Date 07-17-2008 21:34
Some companies may train you IF you get hired on as an apprentice. Pipe welding is generally (imo) a travelling sport, so you need to have reliable transportation. IF you decide to buy your training, look at what they offer for booth time and also make sure you get to weld stainless steel tig because while knowing carbon tig is is "walking-the-cup" on stainless steel pipe. I agree with pipeslayer that 4 weeks may be enough for the right person, but being under the hood is better and being around experienced welders who like to share their knowledge is also a great help to the newbie. Let us know how you make out.
Be well,

Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Pipewelding Training

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