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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / SMAW using bronze rod?
- - By FabFanatic Date 07-18-2008 17:19
First time poster, long time reader.

Like many, I've been on the stick for over 40 years, and O/A about 35.  Question:

Someone just told me they had stick welded (SMAW) using bronze rod. Knowing the typical liquidus of LFB, I immediately balked at the idea and thought the individual a little off base.  Just to be sure, has this process ever been successfully employed, and I missed the boat somewhere?

Thanks for a wonderful resourse.
Parent - By PipeIt (**) Date 07-18-2008 17:37
Never heard of that, did they have a purple sky hook in there truck also?  : )
Parent - By Jenn (***) Date 07-18-2008 18:16
I dunno, I just did a web search, I am by no means any sort of an expert. I am WAYYY bored at my day job today. I weld at school 4 nights a week, 5-6 hours a night.

Here is a list of rods, some for the SMAW process, that are "considered" bronzes of different alloys:

There are some listed under the SMAW process in the box on this page that are "considered" bronzes:

These may not be what you consider "bronze" by layman's terms as well - more than likely.

Aevald or someone of that caliber (with metalurgical knowlege) may be the one to chime in here.....

I found no other indicators other than these two sources out of a lengthy search. Do with it what you will.


Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 07-18-2008 19:28
Woudln't it be brazing? IIRC they make bronze brazing rods for cast iron repair, Silicone bronze family off the top of my head.

I could be wrong though
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 07-18-2008 19:42
I've used silicon bronze MIG wire for welding of galvanized steel sheet metal.
I've never used it in stick form, but I don't see why it would not be available.

Parent - By darren (***) Date 07-18-2008 20:30
a guy in our shop inherited a bunch of old rod from a neighbor and there were three kinds of bronze rod in the collection.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 07-18-2008 22:52
Hello FabFanatic, as some of the other posters have included their experiences, this is a little bit of what I have experienced and know. I have used various chemistries of silicon bronze at various times over thirty some years for GTAW welding. I have also seen and used a couple of bronze type wires for the GMAW process. There are a number of different bronze type SMAW electrodes in the weld shop where I have taught now for the past 18 years, yet oddly enough I haven't tried running any of them(we have a modge podge of different electrodes that have been donated from various sources over the years), I'll see about changing that when I get the chance. I believe the rods that are in our shop are made by Unibraze and All State electrodes, although I can't remember that for certain right now. If I get the opportunity I'll try some of these electrodes out and try to included some information for you about how they appear to work, or as Jenn included, I'll try to gain some information off of the internet to add. Best regards and thanks for starting an interesting thread. aevald
Parent - By flamin (**) Date 07-18-2008 23:53
Years ago when I worked in a shop that did mostly repair work, I used SMAW and GMAW to build up bronze pump impellers for remachining. If I remember correct, it was extremely smokey and took a little getting used to. It had somewhat of a sporatic arc too. I rarely used it to join two pieces together, when it came to that, I would usually break out the acetylene torch and brazing rod.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 07-19-2008 03:34
We had some bronze [of some sort] smaw electrodes at the auto frame plant, I never saw them used for anyting. I thought a few may have followed Me home, but I couldn't find any amongst My stash.
Parent - By FabFanatic Date 07-19-2008 04:07
Some interesting responses. I'll be quiet now and see what else flows in.  Thanks much, all.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / SMAW using bronze rod?

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