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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / NDE
- - By mrlayneo Date 07-21-2008 17:34
I have a customer who is telling me any NDE requirements are on a WPS but I do not see this. I have a WPS for a CS to CS fillet prequalified. I am new to working with these documents. Is the NDE requirement something that I would develop according to my needs or is it an AWS specified requirement?
Parent - By 3.1 Inspector Date 07-21-2008 19:43
No, the NDE requirements is not stated on the WPS.
Its a requirement according to the code you are working to + any additional client requirements there might be.
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 07-22-2008 02:02
A note could be added to a job specific WPS to indicate NDE, and I can think of some advantages in doing that ("if I'da known you were gonna UT that, I'da welded it better").  But that is not the way I usually see it done.

AWS A2.4 has a section on standard NDE symbols that are typically used on the drawings rather than on the WPS.
Parent - By NDTIII (***) Date 07-22-2008 09:09
And sometimes the NDE requirements are listed on the drawings.
Parent - By Richard Cook (**) Date 07-22-2008 12:22
AWS specifies very little NDT (NDE) The only thing I can remember is for cutting weld access holes in heavy sections (MT). This is the responsibility of the Engineer of record for the given contract. The Engineer is required to specify the NDT requirements as specified in AWS D1.1 section 6.1.1. AWS will not specify NDT with the exception of VT.

There are provisions in the standard where you are required to have Radiography performed before destructive testing when you are required to qualify a procedure. This is what they may be refering to. but this would be n/a for prequalified. All other NDT will not be specified on the WPS.

Placing any NDT requirement on your WPS is not good practice because the procedure itself could be used under many conditions and if you mandate NDT it would be required every time.

NDT is based on the loads and stress placed on the weld by the design of the structure or object being fabricated.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / NDE

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