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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Oxy-Acet. Welding Filler Metal
- - By aevald (*****) Date 07-23-2008 18:31
Hello everyone, I realize the majority of you may not even do any oxy-acet. welding anymore, but for those of you who do, I am wondering if you any of you have had issues with rod types? Specifically, we recently purchased a supply of new filler metals, our old supply was an RG45 rod, the stuff we received was an R45 rod. Once we put the rod out for use, our students and ourselves noticed some not-so desirable results with the beads that were being run. I am wondering if anyone else out there has had similar experiences.
     My initial understanding of the "R" designation is that it contains different deoxidizers and some other additives than the "RG" designation. Oddly enough after I did some fairly extensive research I noticed that AWS defines oxy-fuel welding rod under an AWS/SFA 5.2 classification with an R45 designation, yet suppliers in some cases have both R45 and RG45 designations available. It has been our experience that these two rods run considerably differently when comparing one to the other. I am wondering about experiences that others of you have noticed if any. Best regards, aevald
Parent - By LongArc (**) Date 07-24-2008 03:31
I used siver soder in the field as a 911 emergensy oxy acy rod in the feild  to repair a 7018 weld on carbon steel. I thought it was funny it worked perfectly.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 07-24-2008 04:21
      Allan, is the "RG" supposed to be used for gas and the "R" for TIG? I understand that gas rod and TIG rod are not the same, but under FC2002 coat hangers and bailing wire can be used for either.

      When We were teenagers My buddy was making a set of flared fenders for His VW Bug, and when the gas welding rods were used up He started using the strip of steel peeled out by an air chissel pannel cutter [cut from the top of a 55 gallon drum] for filler rod. The results were no worse than when He used real gas welding rods. In the end He junked those fenders and put on stock ones.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 07-24-2008 05:14
Hello Dave, as I am chuckling while I am replying try to bear with me. My understanding here is that AWS identifies gas welding rod with the R45 designation, various suppliers use the R45 or RG45 designation to identify their particular "recipe". I have found upon further research that in most cases the components of the R45 and RG45 designated rods do in fact differ. In our case we ordered RG45 rod, the supplier shipped R45 rod. We tried this rod and found it to be unacceptble in it's performance characteristics and had them replace it with some of the rod that carried the RG45 designation, low and behold, once again we were able to achieve welds which we felt were very acceptable. So, I am curious as to how many others out there have had similar experiences. As to the coathanger and metal strip welding...... add baling wire, tie wire, and various other items that might be lying around, I and obviously many others have used them all at one time or another. As to the GTAW wire designation typically they carry an ERXX-XX designation. Thanks for the humor and the memories. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By rlitman (***) Date 07-24-2008 15:47
I thought that only the R refers to a rod's ability to be used as a GTAW filler.  E refers to the materials ability to be used as an electrode in the SMAW, FCAW, and GMAW processes.  The G refers to the rods usefulness in Gas processes.  That, and for Electrodes, S is for solid, and T is for tubular.
So, R45 should strictly be GTAW filler.

I would assume, that R45 is missing some deoxidizing materials found in RG45, but I've never seen it, so really don't know.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 07-24-2008 17:23
Hello rlitman, interestingly, the "ER" designation in front of various material types is referenced to GMAW fillers that can also be used for GTAW. They are somewhat contradictory if you try to use reasoning such as the "E" standing for electrode and the "R" standing for rod. They also do not readily seperate the two to describe different filler types. I couldn't find a stand-alone designation for GTAW fillers. As to your statement that "R" designation fillers should only be for GTAW fillers, there are many different sources where they are specifically referring to oxy-fuel welding fillers that carry the R45 or R60 designations. Definitely not straight-forward by any means. Thanks for you comments. Best regards, aevald
Parent - By gshuma (**) Date 07-24-2008 17:29
Several years ago I went with an AWS group to tour a wire manufacturer.
I learned that a coat hanger is an excellent filler if the paint is removed. To be able to sustain the twist at the top it has to be made from hign quality semi killed wire.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Oxy-Acet. Welding Filler Metal

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