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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Wow, What a Storm!!
- - By Jeffrey Grady (***) Date 07-23-2008 23:53 Edited 07-24-2008 03:15
Hey Folks,
Just Got power back and Internet 2 Hrs ago. Had 100mph straight line winds and two Tornadoes at 6am on Monday, here in Rock Island Illinois. Been Lumber Jackin' since 9am monday. Man I'm Tired!!! Three 100 yr old Oaks down in the yard. But, while chain sawing this morning, my cell rang three times and each call was for a Job!! 1- Job goes 20yrs back in my resume for spraying paint..So, I test for them at 8am tommorrow. It aint welding but i need the job and it pays well, and it will allow me to continue my College Education. 2nd job was from Komatsu in Peoria Illinois, welding their large mining equipment.. I go for a welld test on the 31st. So, storms or no storms it's been a pretty good day today.

Got a question folks:
1) I have done square groove welds in flat, but I have only done a 13mm in a single pass. Measured across the face.

2) Komatsu wants me to do a pretty simple 13mm 3 pass fillet and a 25mm square groove.
Question is: in GMAW spray transfer mode 500-600ipm and 24 volts, what is the best way to approach this 25mm  Square groove weld?  Should I tie in the edges and run a pass down the center? Or should I run straight down the center laying in copious amounts of filler at a slow rate of push? Will a weaving motion of my gun be neccessary? Need help with this one.
Oh, it will be on 3/8 plate.
Respectfully, Jeffrey
Parent - By Jeffrey Grady (***) Date 07-24-2008 03:13
Hey Folks,
Need help...Please chime in with suggestions. Thanks.
Respectfully, Jeffrey
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 07-24-2008 03:16
Hello Jeffrey, sorry to hear about all the damage from the storm, hopefully your overall damage wasn't too great and you and yours are all still healthy. If I'm understanding your description of the square groove joint correctly; it is being done with 3/8" plate that has square edges and is spaced basically an 1" apart and has some form of backing plate to receive and contain the filler metal. First off I would inquire with them as to how they would like this to be welded out if they don't supply you with a WPS specifying the appropriate information beforehand. If you plan on carrying much of a puddle I would also not suggest doing this with a forehand gun angle, the backhand angle will allow for better penetration and build-up with less chance of any discontinuities. As I mentioned initially, if they don't supply you with the information beforehand in the form of a WPS or some other form of procedure I would certainly ask. What's the worst that can happen? They might tell you to figure it out on your own and you'll end up using your own judgement to make the weld. If this joint indeed has a 1" spacing I might be a little bit hesitant to wash in a great big bead to try to tie the sides together, instead, as I believe you already stated, I would likely run a fillet where each of the plates meets the backing and then proceed to make additional passes to fill it out the rest of the way using a backhand angle and paying close attention so as not to allow the weld metal to outrun my progression. Pay attention to any other suggestions that are offered and make your best choice. Also, if I misunderstood your description of the set-up of this groove please correct me. Best regards, Allan  
Parent - - By Jeffrey Grady (***) Date 07-24-2008 11:15
Thank You. That is exactly as it was desdribed to me over the phone. I have run a single pass 13mm and had no trouble producing it. But, with this one being only .4mm from being an inch, I'm a liitle concerned. I will do as you have suggested. I invisioned this weld being produced with 2 fillets and subsequent passes. I however had not considered using a back hand progression...Thanks, that makes perfect sense to me.
As for the storm damage, it's just a lot of work to clean up the downed trees. Good thing no one was hurt. I have so much cutting left to do, then get it all down into the ravine behind the house. It's back breaking work, but I'll do it just like i do everything else in my life...with determination and steady progression.
Thank You again Allan.
Respectfully, Jeffrey

Oh, I will be asking for instructions as to how they would like this weld produced.
Parent - - By rick harnish (***) Date 07-24-2008 13:36
Like Allan said, I would make sure them edges tied before I filled it up if they told me I was on my own.
Good luck on the test!
Parent - By Jeffrey Grady (***) Date 07-25-2008 00:15
Rick,Allan and Jenn
Thanks Folks. I just got some mail today from Komatsu. A letter explaining what i should bring for my Test and Interview, a Sample written test and the entire list of requirements for their practical weld test. It will not be on 3/8 plate, but is an unlimited thickness test 1" plate beveled. 1.) 13mm 3 pass fillet 1.) 25mm groove in 1G and 1.) unlimited thickness 3G (up). I will be running .052 Lincoln L56 wire. The lightest steel is 13mm thickness.
Per their letter: "the weld parameters will not be set for you. Wire speed and volts will be suggested. You will be judged on technique, appearance, size and side bends or root breaks and macro etch."
8mm welds are considered small for them. the average weld size is 25, 35 and 45mm. so, basically 1" to 1.75" in  1F,1G and 2G. With verticle up averaging 10-13mm. I was told on the phone that I don't have to worry about the 3G(up) for hire on purposes, also i will get additional training with Submerged Arc in 1G on 1" plate and 4G on 1" plate. All of these will require me to be certified in ...eventually. Now all of this is contingent on me getting hired on. They never even batted an eye over the fact that I live 105 miles from their location. Alot of people commute that to Peoria, IL every day....Not me, I'll move there! there's no flood problems in Peoria ao i should have a place to live in just a few days of hire. I'll stay in a motel 'till I can get a place.
Respectfully, Jeffrey
Parent - By Jenn (***) Date 07-24-2008 13:39
Jeffrey -

Good luck buddy with your tests!!

Hope the storm clean up goes well too, same one brought us some hail and nastiness night before last, and storms last night too. Supposedly a friend says there was tornado near suffolk VA last night, but I didn't see anything on the news about it this morning.

*TW* :)

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Wow, What a Storm!!

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