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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Career Change
- - By OxbowCS (*) Date 07-24-2008 20:50
Hey all.  Being new to the boards I have been study'n up trying to decide which direction I need to go.  I have been cowboy'n around the country for over 20 years since I was a kid, mostly in TX, NM, OK, WY, MT.  With that job you learn to weld to fix equipment on the spot as well as building pipe fences, etc.....    I would like some of you road warriors to give me some advice,  i consider myself a fairly decent rod burner, but have no cert. or formal training other than 4 yrs. of ag class in high school. All of my welds passed the 40 ton press test at that time.  What I would like to know is does a 35 yr old guy go back to school to get certified or just hire on as a helper and start from the bottom up?  Would like to go to the oil field, pipe line or rig yard doesn't matter to much ,just need to find a paying gig that I enjoy getting out of bed to do.

Thanks for any advice.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 07-24-2008 22:05
Call Jon
Gotta be willing to travel and work HARD.
They should be able to give you a chance and they may have work in your area.
Parent - - By OxbowCS (*) Date 07-24-2008 23:02
Thanks for the direction, i'll give them a buzz.  I am by nature a gypsy and I am not affraid of work and long days. Thanks for the contact info.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 07-25-2008 00:55
Good Luck. They have a crew working near Lubbock that is pushed by a guy you and he would have a lot in common.
Let me know how it goes.
Parent - By OxbowCS (*) Date 07-25-2008 21:29
dbigkahhuna, called today has not returned call yet. Have been calling around and have a line on two possible leads in Panhandle of TX an one in OK.   Will let you know where they go.  So far it doesn't sound like it will take me too long to get up to speed if I can get my feet wet somewhere.  Thanks again for the help.
Parent - By OxbowCS (*) Date 08-08-2008 23:18
Can't get ahold of Jon,  If anyone out there is looking for a helper in TX, OK, CO, NM, or WY let me know.  Got a bachelors in the school of hard knocks, looking to get my masters.

Thanks for the help so far,  learning alot from the this site.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Career Change

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