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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / jobs for CRI
- - By Terry Vititoe 2 (*) Date 07-28-2008 15:49
I looked at the job find site, but there wasn't anything for my Radioghaphic Interpreter Certs. Could someone help me find out whats the best way to check on jobs. Thanks
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-28-2008 18:19
  I do not hold this cert. and it has not been around that long. IMHO this is not something that is not going to be easy to get a job with if this is all you have.

Do you hold any other NDE certs?

Parent - - By Terry Vititoe 2 (*) Date 07-28-2008 18:40
Yes RT, UT, VT, PT (FPI), MT Asnt level II
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-28-2008 19:32
  Well you have plenty to acompany the RI cert.

Most of the time I have seen a need for this is when one deals with alot of RT and it might be neccessary to have someone that could double check bad shots to verify or negate the shot and have some sort of leg to stand on besides the trusty old "I have been looking at film for 25 years" and that is not to say that with the cert one is any better or worse than the one who has looked at film for 25 years, but it is a certification that one has aquired through proven means of some sort, and documented.


BTW I am looking at getting this cert as well, but I do not think that it will get me a job, but it may be benificial at some jobs. JMHO :-)
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / jobs for CRI

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