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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Help! Welder's qualification as per ASME IX
- - By jimmyluwes Date 07-29-2008 06:20
Hi everyone,
I have a question here, Can I qualify 3 welders/welding operator in a single test coupon? details as follow:
I have 3 welders who did Ni based alloy overlay on a c'steel steel plate. It was 2-layer corrosion resistance overlay and total thickness is about 8-9 mm and each ewelder has done some on each layer. The process is ESW with 60 mm strip. The test plate was test as per code with bend tests, macro and chemical analysis and all passed.

I checked the ASME IX in clause QW-306 Combination of Welding Processes. In my opnion, It is OK to qualify my 3 welders in this test coupon.

What's your opnion? Please.
Thank  you.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-29-2008 16:33
How do you ensure the tests included portions of each welder's work?

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Help! Welder's qualification as per ASME IX

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