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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / Miller S 32 SL Voltage Sensing Wire Feeder.
- By sbcmweb (****) Date 08-01-2008 01:49
Here's a good working Miller VS wire feeder with the slow speed motor option for running thicker wire. Will still run .035 without issue. I have had this on ebay twice & had two deadbeat bidders screw me around on it. Works fine, looks a little rough on the face. Some idiot cut part of it out & patched it. Mid '90's manufacture. DOES NOT have the gas solenoid & board but can be added. Comes with .052 U groove rolls.

I'll guarantee it in good working order when you receive it. Shipping will depend on location, but probably around $35-50 insured Priority Mail.

$400 or best offer. I won't give it away, so please, no lowball offers. Thanks!! :-)

Call or email for details. I have two other VS feeders, but they are older & a little rough.

Steve 517 202 0314
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / Miller S 32 SL Voltage Sensing Wire Feeder.

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