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Up Topic Welding Industry / Metallurgy / weldability of 1045 cast steel?
- - By Mwccwi (***) Date 08-01-2008 17:05
Looking for some feedback. We've successfully been GMAW welding A36 and A500 to SAE 1030 caststeel using ER70-S3 both CV Spray and modified pulse spray. Asides from the basic WPS parameter controlls we try to stay away from specilize control such as pre/post heat to save cost and training requirements. Recently we've been asked to explore welding A36 and A500 to SAE 1045 caststeel-now we just left the low carbon safety zone- The question is can we pull this off  with only using the lowhydrogen variation to the GMAW process?

Feedback please. Anything to help.
Parent - - By ravi theCobra (**) Date 08-01-2008 21:14
I  think  that  your  primary  concerns  are pre  and  post  heat.

You should preheat to at least  225  -  250  deg F      and  probably  keep on some post  heat  -

Most important  is  what  is  the  geometry  of the two pieces you are putting together   ?
Parent - By gwg (*) Date 10-21-2008 02:53
Yes, but you will need to elevate the preheat to 400 deg F minimum, and maintain the preheat, if necessary. After welding, slow cool. Using low hydrogen filler metal will avoid delayed cracking.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Metallurgy / weldability of 1045 cast steel?

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