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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Welders Helpers
- - By Burnithott Date 08-05-2008 23:58
I am new to this forum and looking to get some insight. I was wondering if anyone could give me some input on the pipeline work going on in North East Louisiana. I am an experienced welder, but have not pipelined. I have passed the branch test 2 years ago, and feel confident I could pass it again if I needed to. I have a good rig as well. What I am wanting to know is how to get on as a helper in this area right now? 798 says to come test and join. However, I dont know anything about the pipeline. I would like to get with some hands and learn all I can before I test. I dont feel like I would be doing anyone any good as a welder right now. I would rather learn the ropes from the experienced just as I did with with Pipefitters Local. I really want to go to work on the line, but want to do it the right way.. Any input would be greatly appreciated!
Parent - - By ctdconstruction (*) Date 08-06-2008 13:43
If you think 798 is the way you want to go - then join as a helper --- we need them, too.
Parent - - By Burnithott Date 08-06-2008 14:49
Thanks CTD,
Im gonna hit the road and see what I can turn up over there!
Parent - - By K.Sexton82 (*) Date 08-06-2008 23:05
what do they pay helpers out of 798 on the avg and do they get perdiem
Parent - By ctdconstruction (*) Date 08-07-2008 00:24
Between $17-$30 depends on which state your in.  Per diem is $42.50 - not sure what travel is but you do get travel pay-- plus remember your eligible for benefits after 1800 hours..
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Welders Helpers

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