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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / 300+Amp gas/diesel welder,watercooler/TIG torch Vancouver,BC
- - By Morph Ind. Date 08-06-2008 07:31
As the title says i'm looking for a gas or diesel welder 300 amps and up.  Would like to be able to do everything so ac/dc/cc/cv.  Already have a suitcase and a tig setup but a 30A style spoolgun and something to run mobile TIG with would be nice.

On a sidenote also looking for a water cooled TIG torch and cooler for my dynasty 200.

In vancouver, willing to travel for the right deal.


give me a call 604-338-5900 or
email me at


Parent - By chris2698 (****) Date 08-06-2008 15:09
you really shouldn't need a cooler for a dynasty 200. I use to weld with one of them and never had a problem with heat hell even when I did go into the duty cycle and the thing shutdown on me and said HELP it still wasn't that bad heat wise anyway now if you have 250-300 amps then yeah you will want a cooler
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / 300+Amp gas/diesel welder,watercooler/TIG torch Vancouver,BC

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