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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Another Troublesome Hurricane Season
- - By js55 (*****) Date 08-06-2008 17:43
We ain't heard much from our buddy and most entertaining Global Warming crusader Big Al Bore this year. That confounded hurricane season just ain't cooperatin.
Facts is stubborn they say.
Of course I realize the last big double whammy from Katrina/Rita that stirred up one of the most profitable 'why ain't Bush signed Kyoto' diatribes from Big Al and his cronies (never mind he legally can't) was later in the season, but if memory serves we did have a series of big nasty Cat+ hair raisers elsewhere and early that year. And we really haven't had too much this year to get all atither about. Hoping my friends on South Padre don't mind too much. I say that, sittin here in Planet Hooston with all the hoopla from Edooward dying down and the the local HEB fillin back up with bread milk and eggs.
So them poor polar bears may as well kick back with a carafe of Margarits's and enjoy the balmy breezes for a while. Or better, maybe Big Al can load em all up on that jumbo carbon fingerprint luxury jet of his and fly em all to the south pole where the ice pack is actually gettin bigger.
Parent - By Jenn (***) Date 08-06-2008 21:07
Maybe he's busy "inventing" another internet, ROFLAMO!!!!!!!

Sorry , I couldn't resist my friend :)
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-07-2008 03:53
     It could be that China & India are putting enough smoke into the air that "solar dimming" is beginning to cancell out the "greenhouse warming". As I have said before, all We have to do is put enough smoke in the atmosphere to get the earth's temperature to whereever Al Gore decides it should be. This will hold us over untill We figure out how to sequester the carbon and other greenhouse contributers. THEN we can reduce both greenhouse gasses and smoke to keep Al's optmum temperature.

     We need to know if man's contribution to global warming is the greater or lesser cause of it. If it turns out that man's contribution to global warming is a small ammount, and temperatures are going to rise naturally, We damn well better spend Our time & money figuring out what to do about the increase in sea level.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 08-07-2008 11:57
The thing that bothers me most about "global warming" is that they are cutting off their nose to spite their face. In my eyes, there are far more critical things to be looking at.
Historically, there have been magnetic pole shifts, polar shifts up to 50 degrees and many other drastic incidences that have occured over the eons. These are not even being looked at. It may sound far fetched on first glance, but geological data supports that it has happened before, and will happen again. With the Southern pole gaining Ice, and the northern pole losing ice, something else is afoot here. Maybe I am just ignorant here, but if the entire globe were warming, it seems logical that both poles would be losing.
I do believe something is happening, but I suspect no one really is sure, so when Gore comes along and proposes global warming caused by man, a lot of people latched on as it would "explain" something they don't understand. Kinda like the old norse mythology explaining thunder with thors hammer. No one really knew any better, so why not some mythical creation with a bad attitude?
In short, I don't think anyone knows, but the more obvious possibilities are being over looked. Such as polar shifts, and geomagnetic shifts.

Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 08-07-2008 13:37 Edited 08-07-2008 13:40
"Al Bore" is right on the money.  He's so dull his secret service code name is "Al Gore".  I hear they're going to make a movie about his life.  His part will be played by a slab of formica.  He has the personality of a stripper pole.  During his presidential run, the Democratic National Committee asked him to make 140 calls to campaign donors, but he only connected on 56 of them. The other 84 hung up because he sounds just like a dial tone.  I don't know that Al created the internet, but he is a visionary.  He actually developed his "green" consciousness when he served in Vietnam, where he observed the inventiveness of the ordinary Vietnamese peasants who made use of old empty Coke and Pepsi tins to make huts and implements to farm with.  He thought this was a great example of recycling.  However, while he was marveling at these eco-friendly practices, he was oblivious to all the napalm and agent orange defoliant that was raining down all over South Vietnam at the time.  Now he's into global warming.  Maybe he should meet with the organization he helped found, the ICRGWBOAIAWCNW (International Community for the Reversal of Global Warming for the Betterment of the American, Israeli, and Anyone With the Capacity for Nuclear Warfare), and hold a fundraiser to find alternate fuels.  Maybe they can all rub their skulls together and figure out how we can use his B.S. as energy.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 08-08-2008 18:34
Sectret Service code name? LMAO!!!!!
Formica?  LMAO!!!!!
Dial tone?  LMAO!!!!
That's funny stuff.
Parent - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 08-10-2008 19:41
You're giving stripper poles a bad name.  :)
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Another Troublesome Hurricane Season

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