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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / sulferox
- - By darren (***) Date 08-08-2008 22:45
we are getting some vessels in that have to be retrofitted and have been used in the de-sulfuring of natural gas and contained sulferox during their use i could not really find to much info on any precautions that must be taken when welding on stainless that have been exposed to this compound. any help would be greatly appreciated.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 08-09-2008 07:10
Hello darren, does the company that the vessels are being shipped in from have the MSDS sheets on the sulferox? I believe that would be a reasonable start for your concerns. You are certainly taking the correct path, I often have discussions with students about the same sort of things when they first venture out into the welding world. Sorry I can't relate anything specific to your question. Have you tried googling information on this compound? Best of luck and regards, Allan
Parent - By darren (***) Date 08-09-2008 09:11 Edited 08-09-2008 09:14
yes i googled and it tells me about the process but not about possibility of any residue or impregnation of the steel with any possible toxic or noxious compounds.
no msds as i could find. there was a suggestion by management in a memo that all employees welding on or cutting the steel should breathe supplied air but not the  reason or cause why they made that statement.
i will ask our management about the msds but i like to be ahead of the curve. i'm one of those "pre read the material before i take the course kind of guys", a lot less room for error at that point.
we still don't acknowledge never mind respond to hexovalent chromium concerns and we weld a fair bit of stainless. we do not extract fumes nor do we have make up air, we just open the doors or close the doors depending on weather and sometimes it gets smoky enough that you can barely see through the shop. oops started to rant there.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / sulferox

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