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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Make a TIG for Al using IGBT's and simple DC welder...?
- - By Trinket Date 08-15-2008 08:44
I am using a computer signal generator to switch a solid state relay for another project when I had the thought that it might make for an ideal tig source for Al or stainless. Any waveform, duty cycle,frequency can be dialed in easily using either software or a dedicated hardware generator circuit to switch the SSR or IGBT's that are fed by a DC welder. Obviously this is not new, has anyone seen it home brewed like this?
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-16-2008 04:37
I am not familiar with those devices, but they would need to be quite robust to deal with the OCV and amperage. What You are describing is what the output end of an inverter welder is doing. If used with a single phase transformer/rectifier there would be some variation in the output wave form from input frequency ripple, less so with 3 phase input. Due to the typical DC welder transformer operating at line frequency, the efficiency would still be low, unlike an inverter welder. Stainless TIG as I know it at least is a DC process, so wave form is not an issue.
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 08-16-2008 13:41
Or DCSP and a bottle of helium and a clean wire brush.

Though AC Has its place. My electricty/electronic knowldege is somewhat limited to "The pointy end of the battery 'usually' points to the front end of the flashlight"

I have also heard talk of welders from microwave parts. Seems like a job for a "tinkerer".
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 08-17-2008 19:27
A man named Tom Gartland on Long Island was experimenting with this for robotic welding.  He may have some Patent Pending applications you can research.  He also was using some of those solid state switches that prevent you from getting a shock because the resistance of your body is too high to control parameters.

I do not have a current address or phone number.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Make a TIG for Al using IGBT's and simple DC welder...?

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