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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Woo Hoo I started school!!
- - By brightblue (**) Date 08-18-2008 20:06
I dove into school today minus any equipment, so our first assignment was to get equipment lol Assignment completed ;)

The instructor is really impressive and I'm very excited to be making my first actual steps into the welding field :)

Thanks to everyone here for your encouragement and advice. I appreciate it :)
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-19-2008 02:29
Hello "Bright Blue" :)

Although we may have had our differences in previous posts, but that is the past and with that, I would like to symbolically offer an olive branch as a sign of
"Weldcoming" you to this never ending amazing field which you chose to become a part of as a student. :) :) :)

I personally wish you all the best in starting your newest adventure in life!!!
Congratulations for being persistent in your quest to becoming a fellow student in the science & art of welding technology ;)

Yes!!! Even though I teach welding I'm still, and will always be a student of welding and it's associated technologies as are many who frequent this forum with many years of experience, and knowledge obtained through our common passion in learning more about welding, metals, fabrication, and anything else associated with this skill!!! :) :) :)

I personally believe that in order to achieve some measure of success in this field, one needs to remain teachable, and open minded to new idea's because,
the learning never ends!!! :) :) :)

Once again, "Weldcome" to the wonderful world of welding!!! ;) :) :) Please feel free to use the educators here whenever you need to!!!

Parent - - By fbrieden (***) Date 08-19-2008 04:43

A VERY professional response, as to be expected from you! I'm sure he'll do well. As you are aware, I teach, but am constantly learning at the same time. You have to love the NDT aspect of welding too!
Parent - - By jsdwelder (***) Date 08-19-2008 10:26
What school are you attending?
Parent - - By brightblue (**) Date 08-19-2008 20:38
js, hmm...why do you want to know what school I'm attending? Are you going to come by to laugh? <<<<<grin>>>>  Well, I could provide great comedy at this point.

The school I'm going to is one I chose from the AWS site on a search of schools. The instructors are really good and don't take any mess from the students. Even the
attendance policy is stiff compared to some other classes I've taken not related to welding. It's only the 2nd day and I did my first torch cutting, grinding, and stick welding.

I can totally see where this could become SO addicting LOL The fire, the sparks, the molten metal....WOW!!! I love it! I stink at it, but I love it...

BTW, since my handle doesn't indicate it...I'm a girl not a boy :) 
Parent - By jsdwelder (***) Date 08-20-2008 16:26
No, I wouldnt come by to laugh. No matter how good a welder someone is, they still had to learn it. I only asked what school because I taught at a school in New York state for the last eighteen years so welding schools are pretty interesting to me. Just wondering where you were from.
Parent - - By brightblue (**) Date 08-19-2008 20:32
Thank you *very* much Henry, I really appreciate that :)

And I totally appreciate your advice and insight and you're completely right: I'm a student x 100 and for good :)

My instructor stressed safety the first day, all day. And I have confidence that will continue. You may find this amusing:

He SO emphasized the appalling, unrelenting, hideous pain of flashburn during class yesterday ( "....everything will seem fine, you won't know it's happened, then you'll wake up at 2 am in unfathomable pain, as if someone had ice picks in your eye sockets and were moving them around, and your eyelids won't open and [more hideous pain stuff[..." ) that I went from paranoid to Uber-paranoid and almost couldn't bring myself to trust my mask at all today. Another student had to spend considerable time convincing me it worked.LOL I'm waiting to wake up at 2am tonite screaming...
Parent - By 3.1 Inspector Date 08-19-2008 20:45
Good luck with the welding, its not a bad trade at all.
However it does have a few backsides, you mention flashburn yourself. Also the blue light itself can be harmfull to your body.
And there is the - almost impossible positions - in which you have to weld if you work on a site.
The fumes are also not something you want to inhale all day long.....

As you progress, you will find that small and simple things can be done to avoid all thoose nasty things.

Happy welding.
Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 08-19-2008 19:20
welcome and enjoy I just stepped into class for my final year of my welding engineering degree and while I'm tiring of the school routine I look forward to learning everyday.

Best of luck!
Parent - By brightblue (**) Date 08-19-2008 20:42
Thanks Met!! Congratulations on your final year and hang in there :) I'm betting when the year comes to an end you'll be very happy you did.
Parent - By soilschick (*) Date 08-20-2008 00:45
Welcome to welding!  Good luck and show what a woman can do.  ;) 
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Woo Hoo I started school!!

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