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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / ASME Material Qualification
- - By buckeye08 Date 09-10-2008 15:54
When you qualify a procedure per ASME Section IX by welding dissimilar metals with the same strength levels (i.e. F22 and 4130 with 80K min. yields or F22 or 4130 to X-80---all with min. yields of 80K), does this procedure qualify you to weld each of the base metals to themselves (i.e. 4130 to 4130, F22 to F22, and X-80 to X-80)?
Parent - By buckeye08 Date 09-10-2008 18:15
In ASME Section IX Article IV QW 403.5 I believe it says that requailification would not be necessary as long as there were no changes of essential variables.
Parent - - By motgar (**) Date 09-11-2008 16:34
Take a look at QW-424 Base Metals Used for Procedure Qualification.

Parent - By buckeye08 Date 09-22-2008 18:39
Thanks for pointing that section out. According to QW 424, it doesn't appear that one is quailified to weld unassigned (no P-No), metals to themselves if qualified for the welding of the dissimilar metals to one another. QW 403.5 appears only to correspond to ASME assigned metals, that is metals with P-No.s.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / ASME Material Qualification

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