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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Palin vs Gibson
- - By michael kniolek (***) Date 09-13-2008 03:09
Did any1 watch the Charles Gibson interview with Palin?
I Know that The Media is a one way street and there is no love for any REPs, but this man Gibson has set a new Standard for lefty interview style.
I watched this interview and could not belive my eyes.......first off the first 10 min set the stage by trying to expose all kinds of suposed contradictions of her acceptance speech and other issues that with the proper spin could hurt the campain.
then every question asked to this lady was spun in such a way as to make her look like a hypocrate , and a typical lying politicain.
He has asked questions that no one has even dared to ask Obama such as Gun controll, she is the first politician ive herd that hit the nail right on the head she said do you think these people who are pulling triggers are going to follow any gun controll laws .........thats the logic we need, not a feel good way of thinking that people can be good if we write the proper laws.
Now whats the big deal with her raising  her  family ,and people saing that she cant be a good mother if she is VP .....Well if thats true then every male politician since the history of the USA (wait for it wait for it) WAS A TRERRIBLE FATHER!
And the selling of the jet they bash her spending 40,000 for air line tickets (like any other politician) but do they mention that the cost of operating a jet (i assume) costs much more.
The bridge to nowhere and the money that the state kept, that money was going to the state regardless of what DOT project it was used on the state decided that there were better ways to spend it.
I think if serious change is what the people want, who better to help mcain then an outsider who very well may have no favors to pay back, no back room deals going on, no ties to the bloated spend happy spinless jellyfish that fills our self serving bleeding heart gov.
I say give these two a chance, between the two of them they are way more Qualified to run this country then obama and Biden.
the dems ticket looks like a case of dyslexia Biden should be the pres nominee and obama should be the vp.
Obama has spent so much time bashing her it seems like he may think hes running against her.
this all comes from a Male Shovenist Pig but im no fool this woman has more tesliclefortitude , brains , common sense ,and guts ,then obama.
Nuff said.
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 09-13-2008 13:11
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 09-14-2008 22:05
That is exactly what I was going to say Stephan :)

MDK, it was obvious that the press chose Obama over Clinton early in the primaries and it has gotten MUCH worse during the general election. No surprise there. The surprise was when McCain chose Palin and made the press and the dems look silly. They had to make stuff up.
They had all the ammunition on Romney, Huckabee, Ridge and Lieberman. Nothing for Palin.

Gibson tried his best to set traps for her but she was too smart for that.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 09-16-2008 01:41
You go Michael! I was born and raised in the Last Frontier state. I've seen every worthless out of state governer come in and destroy Alaska, since I was old enough to understand politics. Palin was the first governer to actually put her foot down and make the people making all the money up there adhere to the law. Before her the side of the road was littered with McDonalds bags, (for real)!  Now it is a hospitable place to be. She was tough on the pipeline and oil companies, and made them adhere to the rules. This woman is much tougher than most of the men I know. What the hell could be a better team than a tough broad, and a way tough pres?
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 09-16-2008 02:38
All I can say is this election has really shown the true colors of the mainstream media (IMO) Right now they are trying every dirty trick in the book to bring down the phenomenon of McCain and Palin(and blowing off fingers left and right). I can not believe some of the things that are being done by the media, during the Gibson and the Palin interview  he claimed to be Quoting her on 2 subjects  saying that she said "our troops were sent to do gods work" She as we all know about women remembered exactly what she said and stumped that looser (after he asked the question he pulled off his glasses in a gotcha manor)...but it took fox news to play the exact tape to put her comment back into context.
Why oh Why wont any news reporters start pulling out pages from baracks book that are clearly racist the tales of his drug use , his embarrassment of having White genes in him and every other questionable comment, but no the story of a down syndrome baby is so much more important in this election, or a pregnant teenage girl.(who is engaged)......we know how rare teen pregnancy is.
Remember we need to vote for barack because lindy lohan told us to and she is a very educated, well grounded outstanding public figure.........NOT
If you are for obama take a good look at the people who back him and say am i one of these people..........

I was very weary about McCain I thought he was a wolf in sheep's clothing but he may just very well be a man who will slice and dice the bloated government that was left to him by Clinton and bush(its the only way to set this country right, we americans can function on our own, i truly belive that).
This bloated Gov has done nothing but broken the backs of hard working men and women while supporting an increasing pool of dependants, we all know what happens when you feed a stray cat they come back and after a while there are 2 then 3 so on and so on, next thing you know your cat in the house has fleas.We Have many serious issues in this country right now The Chinese own way to many of our financial and manufacturing institutes , too much property, they could win a war with us without firing a single shot, the social security system is all messed up and still being used by immigrants , and scammers (who pay nothing into it ) like a personal ATM.Big businesses that go under because of poor management get bailed out by the taxpayers and somehow the CEOs get hundreds of millions of dollars as a severance package ( they should get nothing but see ya have a nice day)
No more suguar coated views thats why we are in this situation.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-16-2008 03:25 Edited 09-16-2008 05:01
Here you go Stephen!

Something for you to figure in your free time.

Subject: Advanced Physics

The Scientific Explanation of Simple Harmonic Motion:

Simple harmonic motion is typified by the motion of a mass on a spring when it is subject to the linear elastic restoring force given by Hooke's Law. The motion is sinusoidal in time and demonstrates a single resonant frequency.

Simple Harmonic Motion Equations

The motion equation for simple harmonic motion contains a complete description of the motion, and other parameters of the motion can be calculated from it.

The velocity and acceleration are given by The total energy for an undamped oscillator is the sum of its kinetic energy and potential energy which is constant at

Or,  simply illustrated graphically...

Incidentally, an old friend and esteemed colleague of mine sent me this to ponder upon, and boy did I ever!!
Especially the "Graphic Illustration" and it's unique presentation of how this is applied in "Real Life" terms. ;) :) :) :)

At the risk of the "Graphic Illustration being received here as too objectionable, I'm going to post the "Graphic Illustration" Until Ross and the Mods say otherwise because I truly believe this could enlighten the minds of many here by observing how mathematics, and nature's beauty can work in complete harmony!!!

So enjoy the "Graphic Illustration"  and how the mathematics precluding it explains harmonic motions because, I have a feeling it will not be kept in this thread once Ross & the mods get wind of the post and all of it's content!!! ;)

Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 09-16-2008 11:32

Like I said, politics don't interest me.

Advanced physics however, does :-)

I never could have figured it out without the in depth illustration you provided Henry!

Hopefully, the moderators are into advanced physics too. S.W.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 09-16-2008 15:04
I would like to be the third element in that equasion .............
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 09-17-2008 23:19
Good heavens... Hank!

Was a while absent from the forums thus my first question: "Since when is this poor human being waiting here for me to proving the harmonic oscillation???" Even by the 16th?

As you said: "...mathematics, and nature's beauty can work in complete harmony!!!..." :-)

Thanks a lot my friend!

By the way, I guess somebody didn't like it so far by giving you just 1. :-(
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Palin vs Gibson

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