Hello seagull369, I generally qualify my explanations by saying: "if you are already aware of this information forgive me for including it", guess I forgot it this time. A few other general information type pieces that apply would have to do with the cup sizes. As the cup sizes decrease so do the flow requirements of them, that is where I really meant to include the pressure/flow stuff, because if you don't allow for the necking down and thus increased gas velocity you may end up with excessive turbulence in the shielding gas or possibly a venturi effect that will draw surrounding atmosphere into the weld area. There is also generally a difference with the flow rates for various cup sizes when they are being used in conjunction with gas lenses, or not. Gas lenses will allow for slightly higher flow rates than non-gas lens applications. I believe there are also some past threads that go into fairly decent detail discussing things such as stick-out, tungsten selection, tungsten tip preparation(angles,points,flats,rounding,etc.), torch angles and direction of travel and a whole host of other pretty decent suggestions for successful GTAW welding. If you haven't already, try using the search function to locate some of these. Enjoy your machine and keep us posted on how it's going. Best regards, aevald