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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Are we headed for socialism
- - By michael kniolek (***) Date 09-19-2008 22:36
It would seem to  me that big issues in this country right now could be setting us up to step across the line and put the final nail in the coffin of our "Democracy". First off the electoral vote means our votes don't really get counted its all up to the elite group who are supposed to be smarter and more informed than the rest of us, although its hard to see the truth in a blizzard of cash and gifts.
Health care the big push for healthcare for everyone is causing people to push the Gov to make sure all people have this.
The bailout of AGI & Fanny now puts this top financial institute in the GOVs pocket, will any of this cash be recovered? This is an unprecedented problem we are facing How does a trillion bucks get lost in a capitalistic economy, we all know how this can happen in a commy society.(WHERE IS OUR MONEY!!!!!!!!)
this is what we are becoming
The ACLU noted that the FBI has broad authority to monitor telephone and Internet communications. Most of the changes apply not just to surveillance of terrorists, but instead to all surveillance in the United States. [All surveillance. The WTO geeks will love this one. Now we can be just like China.]
Laws to ban saggy pants
Laws to prevent a parent from corporal punishment
Laws to keep lawful citizens from owning guns
The gov saying they are going to take money from the rich and the rich only to solve the FM crisis
Banning of home schooling
A Communist once said we do not need to fight a war with the USA to make it into a communist country, they will write enough laws one day to do it to themselves.
What do you all think? Are we headed down a bad bad road one law at a time?
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 09-19-2008 23:56
Ya know, I was going to start a thread talking about the same thing.  I think we are..
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 09-20-2008 01:45
Just recently some of the guys in the shop who always talk about how hard its getting with gas and food plus all of the other things involved in today's life. They would say the economy is headed for the toilet Blah Blah Blah and though I do agree with them I would always fall back and tell them to find comfort in something I was told in the 90s and that was "as long as the housing market stays strong continues to increase in value and people keep buying them we will do just fine." But now...........We have let greedy paper pushers jeopardize the American dream for everyone, and now the feds with public money must bail them out to save our humble existence from ruin. It is not good that they now have control of this as we all know they have ruined social security by spending it like a crack addict on a corner. the feds are the most irresponsible people in America not one of them cares or is really concerned with what the 5 10, or 15 year outcome will be all they want is kick backs and interns.
This is the kind of junk that we americans would say happens only in a commy GOV gross missmanagment.................. so where are we now?
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 09-20-2008 02:36
Hello Michael, this is my take on many of the things that are governmentally enacted. In many instances I do believe that we have some very genuine efforts by our elected officials to do "the right thing", unfortunately, as soon as many of these items are put into action there is always someone else who is able to figure out a way to put a spin on it to further their cause or to alter the intent of the idea, possibly making it a negative instead of a positive. I don't have the answers and it's certainly much easier to be an armchair quarterback than someone who can figure it out and do something about it. I do believe that many of the problems and issues that we face come about because of a basic change in the moral fiber of our nation. Most of us look to rely upon the press or any number of other sources of information to formulate our opinions and solutions, I see these sources as having compromised their integrity to a much greater degree now than they may have in the past. I believe many of us are able to recognize the biases and have become much more cynical and callous as a result. The "I'll believe it when I can see it with my own eyes, touch it, and smell it" sort of attitude is likely the only way that trust can really be restored for many. I'll certainly be looking for someone to come up with solid and believable ways to take on many of our nations problems. Meanwhile..... I'll probably try to educate myself better, make a difference where I can, have faith, wait...... and HOPE. Best regards, Allan 
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 09-20-2008 03:42
Parent - - By arrowside (**) Date 09-21-2008 13:55
If you want to see true socialism, let Barry Obomber get elected to the white house. His VP candidate Biden, was quoted as saying that it's patriotic to pay taxes! Obomber was quoted as saying that if he had his way, he would make private gun ownership illegal! Gimme a break!
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 09-21-2008 19:33
I agree with you on Berry. While we have a lot of socialist gov organizations, Berry has a group of advisors who are not socialist but communist. If you do not understand the difference between the two look at Sweden and the old USSR. While I would not want to live in Sweden, I certanly would not want to old USSR. Berrys advisers are Stalinist from the old school of communist thought. With our fanical problems going on right now all people want is security. Their job, bank account, health care, pension and a nice coffin all provided by a benevolent government.
People who give up freedom for security wind up with neither and their loss is justified. I believe that is Thomas Jefferson.
What would you give up for a job, health care, a secure pension? You are fixing to have to make that decision.
I want to say our government is ran by whore$, and it is but we are the sheeple who hired the skanks. Myt elected rep Randy Nuegubar stands ready to shovel money at any special intrest group who will give him more $$$.
ANd who do I vote for? A rebublican. He IS a rebublican. And the democrat who is running against him stands ready to shovel MORE to the same people.
Thomas Jefferson had another saying, "The soil of freedom is nurtured by the blood of tyrants".
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 09-21-2008 22:04 Edited 09-21-2008 22:35
I hope that with this big gov rescue (a company that has made 10s of millions off our money ), the feds do not!!!! i repeat do not add insult to injury and let these loosers walk off with huge pensions and severences. THEY HAVE TAKEN MORE THAN ENOUGH!!!
Look as far as it goes with obama He is the same old same old Dont get fooled again.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 09-21-2008 23:25
The first minute of the video is sufficient to understand her philosophy. Her husbands is no different. Redistribution of wealth. That is a cornerstone of socialism, Marxism and communism.

When Obama speaks about his plans keep that in mind, redistribution of wealth. Take from the haves and give to the have nots.

Joe Biden spoke this week and said that paying MORE taxes is patriotic.
I guess Obama/Biden doesn't want the middle and low class to be patriots.

I don't for one minute think Obama will lower my (middle class) taxes. (0.35 seconds)
When I first heard Hillary say this I was stunned. She speaks as a democrat out of her own mouth.

If Obama becomes president and imposes the windfall profits tax on the oil companies I wonder if he will also impose a profit tax on all of the inflated incomes of Hollywood actors and musicians/rappers? (All his supporters) Clooney, Damen, Madonna, Will Smith, Oprah, Hanks, Ludacris, Spike Lee, Sharandon, Michael Moore, etc......I think not.
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 09-22-2008 00:28
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 09-22-2008 14:30
I question if we are not already to some degree.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Are we headed for socialism

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