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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Cheater Lenses
- By Dutch Date 10-10-2001 10:22
I could really use some information on the long term effects (if any) of using a magnifying lens or "cheater lens". I have 20x10 vision which, as the doctor explained to me, means that I can see a little too good at a distance so my eyes have to strain a little when doing things close-up, i.e., reading or welding small parts, and I've found that using a cheater lens lends a little bit of clarity to my work. (In addition to my glasses.)
What I was wondering though is if I am going to make the condition worse by making my eyes accustomed to the use of a magnifying lens or am I helping my eyes by avoiding a lot of unneccesary strain. I have spoken to an optomatrist but having no real knowledge of welding, he offered little input. I would greatly appreciate any optomitry expertise in the welding field that anyone could pass my way.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Cheater Lenses

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