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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Shad this ones for you
- - By sandra Date 09-26-2008 16:06 Edited 09-26-2008 20:24
As the Internet grows and becomes a part of our lives, it brings with it a unique opportunity to meet people we likely would never have met in any other way. And very often, those people we meet on line will become friends.

Although we have never met,
you have touched my heart.
Your patience and understanding
have carried me through some hard times.
You have been here for me
Although you are a world away,
to know the person beyond the face.
It is truly what is on the "inside" that counts.
You are more than words on a screen.
You are an inspiration
You give me hope when things seem lost...
You make me laugh, listen and talk...
In this vast world of silent talk,
although we have never met,
I have found a "friend

Just want to let you know you are truely an inspiration to me.
I'm sure others feel the same. Thanks for being there:
Parent - By rockin d (**) Date 09-26-2008 19:22
That is sweeeeettt,, Shad my hats off 2 u
Parent - - By Brian T. Beard (**) Date 09-26-2008 20:56
Ryde Shad Ryde!!!!!!!!
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-28-2008 06:34
Thank you Brian i didnt wanna say nuthin cause he's ridng in greener pastures but i ride everyday for Ryder sounds crazy i know but it's just sumthin i gotta do they tried killin me and i fooled them i'm here and i'm stayin thank you for the comment it was the signiture that got i saw it when ya posted it just kept tryin to hold it back but it's all for Ryder
Parent - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 09-26-2008 21:18
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-26-2008 23:03
thank you Sandra i aint nothing special i just call it like i see it why be fake just say it if they cant handle it then they need to step
Parent - - By sandra Date 09-27-2008 01:52
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-27-2008 03:44
no need to beat around the bush most of them get confused anyway
Parent - - By preston davis (**) Date 09-27-2008 18:08
you are an inspiration, we should all hope to be as strong a person as you
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 09-27-2008 18:53
Goes for me too Mr.Shad of team roper. You have my respect for the things you've said here and for the experience's that you have endured and openly shared. Bob
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-27-2008 20:12
Thank you Bob wish i was roping right know ihell i wish i could ride i feel the need to get on a green 3yr old and ride the buck out of im lol i'm older now but still like to break im cant do that anymore either which reminds me anyboy wanna buy a 13 yr old quater horse out of dash for cash and easy jet great kid horse and fast i bought him for the kids 2 years ago and they aint dont nothing with him i hate to see him just eat and go to waste  he doesnt know much about roping but he knows barrels and poles
Parent - - By WELDINROPER (*) Date 09-27-2008 23:36
Would he make a good all around for my 13 year old daughter, cause I'm lookin for a good one for her?  What ya gotta have for him?
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-28-2008 06:31 Edited 09-28-2008 18:56
my 9 yr old was 7 when we got him and i put her on his back she is actually my wifes from a previous marriage and i put her on his back she dont know much so he barely broke a trot but yes he would be good for your 13 yr old bring your child by and let her/him ride him and you'll see i got 2,000 in him  i'd like to get that back yes i have his papers but i will accept a reasonable offer
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-27-2008 20:09
Thank you Preston only thing you can do in this cruel world is to take life by the horns and flip it on it's ass and show them you aint a push over and if you let things get to you thats when the confussion starts and you screw things up
Parent - - By sandra Date 09-28-2008 05:37
You see Shad that's why we respect you so much. For the way you see life and how you handle everything. I only wish that one day I can be as strong as you.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-28-2008 06:42
when we first found out my wife had me call a priest friend of ours to say a prayer and i'll admit i was crying then it hit me dont be a p*** stand up look it in the eye and fight it was a fight i never wanna fight again not ever i wouldnt wish it on anyone not even my worst enemy well maybe if i was mad enuff the strength is with in you just have to reach in and dig it out i grew up hard and fast me n mom were just talking about it tonite i lost my dad when i was 16 and pretty much raised myself and my brother it's a long story i dont wanna go into it lets just say there was alot a whole hell of alot of beer involved theres alot more to the story more losses etc but i wont go into it all i can say is you only put up with so much before you say and to be nice screw it i aint doing this no more and try and kick it in the a** you never win but you have sumthing to look back at and say i tried
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Shad this ones for you

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