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- - By OBEWAN (***) Date 09-26-2008 18:27
Has McCain changed his mind yet about the debate?

I hope it goes forward in spite of his protests.

I don't want to have to replan my evening TV lineup.

I was looking forward to some good entertainment.

It seems he chickened out over the bailout issue.

What, does it give him an advantage to wait to see how the funding pans out before he states his positions?
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-26-2008 18:32
McCain... Chicken out????

Have you been on some other planet for the last 45 years?

McCain may be wrong about any number of issues... But fearful?
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-26-2008 18:45
How could any1 think that McCain made the wrong decision by going  the meeting , this is one of the most important one in the careers of all of these guys.
Parent - By octavio morales (*) Date 09-26-2008 18:39
i just read on that he will be at the debate tonight
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 09-26-2008 18:59
Oh no he didn't... :)
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 09-26-2008 19:10 Edited 09-26-2008 19:15
The question is, will Obama be out of the gym in time for the debate? J/K   Doesn't matter. They have his phone number.

5 years in a POW camp. He don't scare easy.
He'll be there.

Call me if you need me.
Parent - - By snuffman (***) Date 09-26-2008 19:35
Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 09-26-2008 22:33
I think they should go into Thunderdome & battle to the death!

Just kidding. I'll watch some of it, even though I have absolutely no real interest in politics. S.W.
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 09-26-2008 19:49
Just confirmed with 3 more newspapers.  It is on.  Woo Hoo!!!!!

Now I can sort through my decision process some more.

Plus, it will have some good jabs.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-29-2008 13:53
Mccain was the clear winner.........what do you all think?
Obamma sounds just like his adds all i could hear were "talking points"
And remember what mccain told us to do ....."check the records"
Oh yeah Obamma has a braclet he looked at his naked wrist...............HA HA HA
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 09-29-2008 13:56
and what did he say about his bracelet? that a mom said not to let another mom's son die? THEN WHY THE HELL WAS HE IN THE SERVICE?
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 09-29-2008 16:08
McCain's most common phrase "I don't know"
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-29-2008 16:31
Obamma is not ready for the job
1 Said publicly he would launch missles into Pakistan
2 Said he would meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
3 Said he would find and .....KILL..... osamma (no assasinations by law)
three Rookie mistakes
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 09-29-2008 17:10 Edited 09-29-2008 18:29

>2 Said he would meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Don't you mean Ahmanutjob?
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-29-2008 18:13
yeah that fruit cake
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 09-30-2008 05:11
the last debate, Obama's most common phrase, "I agree with John" and "John is right"
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 09-29-2008 19:47
The fathers version was not what Obama stated. I read more about it but do not want to offer it as fact since it is not a source that can be proved.

I liked the manchilds response concerning the bracelet. McCain tells his story then Obama says "Oh yea, I got one too. na na na boo boo."
Sorry that's not what he said, just how it sounded to me.
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 09-29-2008 20:18
A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality that they imagine that  America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves.

Pause a moment, reflect back.
These events are actual events from history..
They really happened!!!

Do you remember?

1. 1968 Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by a Muslim male extremist.

2. In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by Muslim male extremists.

3. In 1979, the   US embassy in   Iran was taken over by Muslim male extremists.

4. During the 1980s a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by Muslim male extremists.

5. In 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by Muslim male extremists.

6. In 1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by Muslim male extremists.

7. In 1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked at   Athens , and a US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by Muslim male extremists.

8. In 1988 , Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by Muslim male extremists.

9. In 1993 the World   Trade   Center was bombed the first time by Muslim male extremists.

10. In 1998, the   US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Muslim male extremists.

11. On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used as missiles to take down the World Trade Centers and of the remaining two, one crashed into the US Pentagon and the other was diverted and crashed by the passengers. Thousands of people were killed by Muslim male extremists.

12. In 2002 the   United States fought a war in Afghanistan against Muslim male extremists.

13. In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered by-- you guessed it-- Muslim male extremists.

No, I really don't see a pattern here to justify profiling, do you? So, to ensure we Americans never offend anyone, particularly fanatics intent on killing us, airport security screeners will no longer be allowed to profile certain people... Absolutely No Profiling!

They must conduct random searches of 80-year-old women, little kids, airline pilots with proper identification, secret agents who are members of the President's security detail, 85-year old Congressmen with metal hips, and Medal of Honor winner and former Governor Joe Foss,  but leave Muslim males alone lest they be guilty of profiling.

According to the Book of Revelations:

The Anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, he will destroy everything.

And Now:
For the award winning Act of Stupidity Of All Times, the People of America want to elect to the most powerful position on the face of the Planet -- The Presidency of the United States of America ... A male of Muslim descent who is the most extremely liberal Senator in Congress (in other words an extremest) and in his 40s.

Have the American people completely lost their minds, or just their Power of Reason ???

I'm sorry but I refuse to take a chance on the 'unknown' candidate Obama...

Parent - By snuffman (***) Date 09-29-2008 20:54
Where does it say he would be a 40 year old muslim? Its been awhile sence Ive read it but I thought it just said that the anti christ would be a man from the east with a silver tongue. Thats in the King James Version. 
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 09-29-2008 22:11
Do you really want to start defending your political opinions with quotes from fairy tales?
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 09-29-2008 22:27
I'm not religous, But I don't think all that is fairy tales.
I would Post anything to change peoples minds about Obama! :)
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 09-30-2008 04:09 Edited 10-01-2008 16:06
hogan, you certainly have the right to believe or not to believe in anything you want to. I respect that right. But the "fairy tales" that you refer to is more accurate that tomorrows newspaper.
All the events that are happening now are somewhat foretold if we can interpret Bible prophecy. I'm not very good at it but I do believe it exist. 1948 Israel becomes a nation after more than 2000 years. Now the whole world has its eye on what happens to Israel. (Iran's nuclear quest)
Psalms 83:2-7 ...vs 4 Come let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may no more be in remembrance.    
vs5For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee.   Then it names several Arab nations. Iran's ajkmadinajad has vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.
Economics in the Bible...Revelation 18 (many people ask where is the US in the last days ) It COULD be that we suffer an economic collapse that makes us insignificant in Bible prophecy last day accounts. Some believe we are referred to as Babylon (spiritually speaking of course not literal Babylon)
18:2 Babylon the great is fallen...vs 3. all nations have drunk of the wine of her wrath...the merchants of the earth are waxed (grew)rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
vs 9 All the kings of the earth who have committed fornication with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her..
vs 10. Alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
vs 11. And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her. For no man buyeth their merchandise anymore.
vs 15. The merchants of these things which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off-for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing.
vs 16.Alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple and scarlet, and decked with gold and precious stones, and pearls!
vs 17. For in one hour such great riches come to nought
vs 19. Alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour were made desolate.
This is how John described a vision from God 2000 years ago on the Isle of Patmos.This describes a catastrophic financial disaster by the worlds most powerful nation. That would be us. All the nations anxiously watch our market as theirs rise and fall based on our market. We affect world economy more than anyone. That's not bragging just stating the fact. Today the Dow lost 777.68 in one day. Today was not the day of our collapse. Both democrats and republicans have said that IF a major bailout does not happen VERY soon then our economy will fail. It may not happen this year or in our lifetime but the same Bible that predicted that Jesus would come the first time (historical fact) said that he will come again. These things must occur before the second coming. The person ctacker refers to is part of the equation. The antichrist will deceive all the nations of the world and for 3 1/2 years he will seem to be the answer to all of the worlds problems...then he proclaims to be God and all hell breaks loose on earth. 
Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads.
vs 17. And no man may buy or sell, save (except) he that had the mark of the beast.
vs 18. Herein is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred three score and six. i.e. 666
Until recently this was confusing and not possible. The technology exist to insert a chip (with all your info) the size of a grain of rice into your hand or elsewhere to be scanned like at the supermarket or anywhere. If you don't have it you don't buy or sell. I'm not saying Obama is the antichrist. Some people thought Ronald Wilson Reagan was because of his name. 6-6-6  Barack Hussein Obama 6-7-5=18 doesn't mean anything. If you believe the Bible, prophecy is part of it. We can't trust in the stock markets or America's strength or lack there of. Only in Gods word.

A bed time story for you all.

Fairy tales or current events?
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-30-2008 12:26
Tim i do believe in go but have never read the bible from front to back and am curious as to how the numbers you have in your post are found to represent the names and yes it's scary it's been comming for a long time
Parent - - By snuffman (***) Date 09-30-2008 13:19
Where he wrote PSALM 83: 2-7 Means Psalm chapter 83 vs 2-7 the chapters are in bold print and verses follow. Once you look at it you will see what Im talking about
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-30-2008 13:37
yeah i know waht that mean but where he wrote ronald blah reagon 666 and then obama wahtever there werenumbers that equaled 18 and we all know 3x6=18 those are the numbers i was referring too guess i sholu do fbeen more descriptive now everyone thinks i'm a realidiot lol geet outto the shop and get that rig goin cant get nuthing done reading on aws lol
Parent - - By snuffman (***) Date 09-30-2008 13:46
theres that many letters in each part of name
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-30-2008 13:53
thanks didnt think of counting the letters in the names
Parent - - By snuffman (***) Date 09-30-2008 15:01
not in the shop in the bar and you no i cant go to work with watching sesame street and clifford the big red dog to get ne going.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-30-2008 21:08
lol your a dork i cant believe you go to the bar to watch sessame street and clifford the big red dog but i guess it would be funnier if ya were toasted
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-30-2008 22:45
What the he** kind of self respecting bar would allow this!!! LOL

jrw159 :-)
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-01-2008 03:39
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 09-30-2008 13:27
Again this is a work of fiction! Some of these people did exist. But the final version of there letters/stories were not written for up to 250 years after they happened (new testament). If I had 250 years I could come up with some good stories. With vague references to future events and rules for healthy living. If someone came up to you and told you the story of jesus for the first time would you believe it or think they were crazy? Not to mention the bible started as a copy of Sumerian myths.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 09-30-2008 14:22
hogan, by faith you chose to believe that the Bible was started as a copy of Sumerian myths.
By faith I choose to believe it is the Word of God.
King James Version-Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Neither of us can prove it. Therefore it is faith :)
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 09-30-2008 14:44
No my friend it is not faith. I choose to believe the bible plagiarized Sumerian myth due to the historical evidence. Text that were written thousands of years prior to bible. So this can not be faith for me, maybe you. Speaking of King James, did you know he personally tended the royal marijuana garden.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-30-2008 15:56
It is true the bible has used sumarian texts , but that is not an indication that it is not the word of god to me this just shows that the truth is deeper then we know , besides a small portion of the bible is made up of those stories there are many books in the old and new testimates.
And i do remember reading that the generation that sees isreal become a nation again will see the second comming of god.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 09-30-2008 16:25
MDK, The parable of the fig tree. Matthew 24:32,33- Luke 21:29-31
Mark 28-33
28 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her (Israel) branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know the summer is at hand.
29 So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the door.
30 Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.
31 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
32 But of that day and the hour knoweth no man. no, not the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father.
33 Take ye heed, watch and pray. For ye know not when the time is.
Israel became a nation in 1948 after being scattered abroad for 2000 + years.
All predicted.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 09-30-2008 16:44
Nostradamus has made many such predictions, with similar accuracy. More conformation of the holy word
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 09-30-2008 17:39
Many people are mystified and fascinated with Nostradamus but scoff or dismiss predictions in the Bible
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-30-2008 17:28
Very true........
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 09-30-2008 17:30
hogan, I'm glad you used the term"my friend" I do not want to get on your nerves or anybody else's either. I enjoy talking politics and religion as long as we keep it civil as it has been so far. They both have slippery slopes.

I frequent this forum primarily for the great knowledge, wisdom and people that are here. And that certainly includes you. I'm not trying to preach to anyone just sharing some relevant verses that IMHO apply to the current events. If anyone has taken offense that is not my goal and I apologize.

As far as the royal marijuana garden; in my youth I was a gardener.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 09-30-2008 18:25
I also enjoy talking religion and don't want to my delivery to come off as offensive.
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 09-30-2008 19:05
You have not been offensive at all. I might even learn a few things.

I can see I will have to get out the thesaurus if it goes any further.
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 09-30-2008 21:29
Most all places and things that happened are backed up by tangible proof .
as for the stories being just copies of sumarian text dont forget the bible starts at the begining of time therfore i assume that  dealings between god and man were going on long before moses was on the scene.besides ,archaeologists have found Ancient cuneiform writings that date back all the way to 3500 B.C. Adam was still alive at that time and so writing could have gone back even farther. So ......Adam could have composed his EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT OF CREATION Adam probably wrote in cuneiform on clay tablets and  Moses, utilizing these records, with the "wisdom of the Egyptians" that he learned in Egypt, was the EDITOR OF GENESIS RATHER THAN ITS AUTHOR!

Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 09-30-2008 22:00
michael kniolek,
WOW. I see your trying. Let's go back over what you have written. You elude to tangible proof in the first sentence, then not so much for the rest of your opinion ??
As long as we are talking about what archaeologist have dug up, did you know that some Sumerian tablets (cuneiform even) have been dated to 10,000 years old. This is no surprise seeing how they have the first record of a written language. I see also that you note Adam was still alive in 3500 BC?? Do you have a reference for that one? I was also led to believe that "father" Abraham had a hand in Genesis and it just so happens the he was from a small coastal town of UR. This was one of the largest Sumerian cities (did you know they are credited with the first civilization or cities?) Again I'm sorry to contradict you but the "wisdom of the Egyptians" was based on Sumerian culture (as well as Babylon). I would like to debate this with you but it is difficult when things are pulled out of the air and claimed as fact.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 10-01-2008 15:08 Edited 10-01-2008 16:34
The tangible proof....All the places and people were historical figures and real places.
With the final retreat of the glaciers about 10000 B.C what culture was writing Cuneiform at that time, I would need to say that the burdin of proof is on you, sumer developed writing around 3000 bc but adam could have been writing from the day he was created and showed his children the art of Cuneiform.
Adam lived 900 years or so, the jewish calander places the age of earth (the beginning of counted time ) At 5700 , sumer could have been writing Cuneiform as early as 3500 bc. So 3500 bc plus 2008 AD is 5508 years subtract that from 5700 that leaves 192 years that would be well within the life span of adam.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 10-01-2008 17:54
Your absolutely correct. Right now I do not have the time but I will put something together.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 10-02-2008 18:06
anything to add? this was just getting good.
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 10-02-2008 20:29
Your absolutely correct. Right now I do not have the time but I will put something together.
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 10-06-2008 20:52
Mikeqc1 ,
Sorry it has taken a while to respond. I had several pages and lost it, also I was a little busy/lazy. I'll start over and begin with disputes regarding the mentioned time line. The 10,000 BC time for the ending of the ice age sounds good. Let's look at the age of our first civilizations.

In 1965, a farmer dug up the lower jawbone of a mammoth while in the process of expanding his cellar. Further excavations revealed the presence of 4 huts, made up of a total of 149 mammoth bones. These dwellings, dating back 15,000 some years, were determined to have been some of the oldest shelters known to have been constructed by pre-historic man.

Evidence of culture:
The Venus of Dolní Věstonice (Czech: Věstonická Venuse) is a Venus figurine, a ceramic statuette of a nude female figure dated to 29,000-25,000 BCE (Gravettian industry), which was found at a Paleolithic site in the Moravian basin south of Brno.

More evidence of culture:
The Venus of Willendorf, also known as the Woman of Willendorf, is an 11.1 cm (4 3/8 inches) high statuette of a female figure estimated to have been created between 24,000 BCE - 22,000 BCE

Evidence of culture 40,000 years ago:
Results from recent excavations at Üçağızlı Cave in Turkey and reappraisal of mollusk remains from the Lebanese Paleolithic site of Ksar 'Akil greatly alter the picture of the antiquity and distribution of early Upper Paleolithic ornament-making traditions in the eastern Mediterranean basin. Ornaments are present in large numbers in these sites in layers dating to at least 40,000 years ago, perhaps much earlier, about the same age as the earliest ornamental objects known from Central Europe and Africa.

I'm begining to think the jewish timeline is flawed.
The cave was occupied from the Palaeolithic c. 21,950 BC(and possibly earlier) through the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods, being abandoned about 3000 BC (Middle Neolithic). It is one of the very few settlements in the world that shows continuous human occupation for more than 20,000 years.

Now there was also some question as to when written laungue was first used. Some forms date back to 12,000 BC. but in the Sumerian region some form have been dated to 7000 BC:
Writing in Southwest Asia--the earliest anywhere-- seems to have developed out of economic expediency. The earliest uses of pictograms in Mesopotamia--pre-writing-- predated the Sumerians.  Beginning with farming some 9000 years ago, tokens marked with simple pictures began to be used to label basic farm produce
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-30-2008 14:53
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