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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / IMO Under Obama
- - By js55 (*****) Date 10-07-2008 17:38
IMO Under Obama you will see:
(If he holds to what he really stands for)
1) Partial birth abortions reinstated
2) A major terrorist attack on American soil
3) Capitulation to terrorism
4) The destruction of small business through overtaxation
5) The dismantling of the military
6) The dismantling of our Intelligence Services
7) An even more open border policy with Mexico
8) Billions spent on Global Warming solutions (and no results)
9) A passive response to Irans development of nuclear weapons
10) An attempt at looking tough to the world by engaging in some military action, that is even if he gets there after allowing the United Nations to stifle any decision he might make (let us not forget the veto power of our good friends the French, the Russian's, and the Chinese)
11)  Cabinet scandal
12) Al Qaeda's resurgance in Iraq
13) Further government assaults on religion
14) Further invasion of the government in the American family
15) A passive response to fundamentalist Islams rise in Pakistan and the threat of nuclear war with India
16) The resurgance of the Taliban in Afghanistan
17) The resurgance of Russia in the Caucuses

Change We Need. They say.
Parent - - By NEQA (**) Date 10-07-2008 19:17
1). It's still a woman choice.
2). We already had one of those - under Bush, remember?
3). Not sure what you're talking about there, do you?
4). Bush has already destroyed small businesses. Read the papers and talk to your small business owner friends. Credit is hard to get now.
5). What is your basis for this statement?
6). Intelligence services? You mean, the folks who told us there were WMD in Iraq? Is that the intelligence you are referring to?
7). It's already as wide open as it can possibly be. Bush saw to that.
8). As opposed to billions spent in Iraq?
9). As opposed to Bush's zero response to Iran AND N. Korea nuclear development.
10). In #5 you tell us he is gonna dismantle the military and in #9 you tell us he is passive. So, how is he gonna look tough?
11). That must mean you know who will be in his cabinet. Care to share?
12). Al Qaeda never was in Iraq until we invaded. We didn't drive them out, they just moved to the north.
13). Further gvt. assault on religion? How has gvt. assaulted? Specifically, how is Obama to blame?
14). Bush has already done that. Are you familiar with the Patriot Act?
15). Why doesn't Bush do something about Pakistan NOW. Isn't he the CIC?
16). Got a news alert for you - Taliban has ALREADY made their comeback in Afghanistan. They have ALWAYS been there.
17). Russia is already making moves there and in South American - supplying weapons. Why doesn't Bush do something? I thought Bush looked into Putin's eyes and saw his soul. Remember that?

Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 10-07-2008 19:29
Obamas going to cut funds to wepons development (he has told us this)
My question to him is .....Because you are president the world is a safer place?
Right now the world is out of control and contrary to popular belief its not bushes fault.
right now i can say that obama will ruin small business with taxes, the credit problem was a system set up and defended by the democrats (and thats a FACT just do a little research).
The reps tried to stop it but the dems claimed witch hunt.
Look people this man is a zit on the face of this earth, he should not be anywhere near the presidency let the truth be told.
Parent - - By NEQA (**) Date 10-07-2008 19:46
Gee, it's not Bush's fault? Do the repubs. take responsibility for ANYTHING? American people know who is at fault -and it is reflected in McCains low approval numbers. People know Bush and McCain are one and the same.

Get used to it - Obama/Biden are on target to win a landslide in Nov. We are talking in the neighborhood of 340+ electoral votes. In the Senate, the dems. are 2 away from 60.

Do you understand Obama's tax policy? Have you even read it? I think it is McBush who considers the middle class to be someone worth $5 million. Unfortunately, not all of us have 7 homes and 13 cars.  
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 10-07-2008 21:49
Have you read any of his racist comments in his books! Have you read any of the BS bills hes written, Have you ever read how he stole his first election, have you ever read how he tried to undemine bushes administration in iraq , have you ever read how he has close ties to a number of questionable "terrorists" ,have you ever read how he was front row when fanny mae was at ACORN and was praised for allowing them to lend more money to "unqualified people" Have you ever read how obamma agrees with Mccain on a large number of issues, have you ever read how much money he has accepted in his short career as senetor, have you ever read how he aquired his home, have you ever read the document he signed wiith the church he belongs to, should i go on because i can.......
People should not say that mccain is another bush because he has not been president one cannot place blame on somthing that has not happened yet, but everything about obamma is in his past and therefore we can and should point out these things. any1 who cant see the danger in electing this man is blind everything i just wrote about him is true and on record!

and the REPs do take responsibility but unfortunatly it seems to be for the DEMs screw ups.

You get better get used to a devistated USA because when he wins we will no longer be a free proud nation we will be the worlds fall guy chopped up  and handed to every 3rd world country.

Tell me if no one has a job how is obamma binladin gonna tax any1
tax cuts for a business is proven to create jobs and stimulate growth (again with the 5 million you know what the term jest is)

You are clearly one of those who knows very little about facts but has a firm grasp on "talking points"

try using the internet to do some research read the bills for your self read about obammas history.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-07-2008 19:53
1). It's still a woman choice.

Yep it sure is.

The power to kill a person..yes a person, exercised about a million times each year, 99.9% of the time as a matter of convenience.

More people killed by "choice" than by every terrorist, dictator, thug, and gangster in every country on the face of the earth combined!

Thats enough for me to vote for a guy that might put another conservative justice on the bench no matter how much I dislike him.

Obama will insure that millions more Americans die via abortion...

McCain at least presents the possibity that in time this genocide will come to an end.

These childrens lives are more important than any other "change"  more important than the economy, more important than forigen policy, more important than health care coverage, more important than off shore drilling, more important than Southern boarder security, more important than immigration. Make your list a mile long... The buck stops at #1 for me.

That's all I'm going to say about elections and politics until Nov.  Call it a fundy litmis test if you will, and judge me as harshly as you like.. No issue is more important, so after saying this I've nothin more to say.
Parent - - By NEQA (**) Date 10-07-2008 19:56
There's nothing wrong with being a Right-To-Lifer. Just like there is nothing wrong with being a Choice person. I guess where we disagree is I think there are other issues besides that one that influences me.
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 10-07-2008 20:30
this is not aimed at any person in particular, and I'm not voting for either candidate come novemeber
A) I'm doubtful either candidate could knowingly or willingly singlehandedly destroy this country in the way anyone has suggested.
B) If McCain dies it would be president Palin and VP Pelosi. On that note I doubt the leadership ability of Palin, her attitude in the debate of "not answering the question being asked but answering what you want to say" is akin to stratedgy Bush used many times and not in the spirit of debate itself.
C) This economic collapse will be a partial end to laissez faire economy and has and will severely harm consumer confidence in the american credit system (just about everyone in the world is mad at us right now.) The whole western economic system is unsustainable and the american economy is built upon huge amounts of debt.
D) neither candidate has shown a good solution to the healthcare crisis.
E) the war on drugs needs to be ended, especially with the growing meth epidemic that's sweeping the country (it now outstrips heroin and Cocaine). but because it's better to look hard on drugs than offer an effective solution, I'm not holding my breath.

It will be interesting in the next few years, I would be surprised at this point if the democrats don't win. I'm still in utter disgust of the american political system and refuse to particpate (for more than one reason).
Parent - By freewelder (*) Date 10-16-2008 09:31
Well, that depends on whether you consider ending someone else life a crime.
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 10-15-2008 02:14 Edited 10-15-2008 03:57
A little late but I couldn't have said it nearly as well as Lawrence did.

If Obama was 100% pro-life and would appoint supreme court justices that were as well, I would vote for him if his opponent was not pro-life. But he is not. He does support a woman's right to carry the baby to full term and procreate. All that means is that he will not force women to have abortions like China does. Although he has said some good things about China lately.

He also supports partial birth abortions. Think about that for a minute. Google it if you must.
But he doesn't stop there. He was the only senator to lobby against the Born Alive Act. You know, when a baby survives a botched abortion. Obama supports legislation to prohibit medical treatment and just let the child die. It has been done in Obama's state and he supports it. Voted four times for it saying that if you give medical treatment to the child you defeat the mothers purpose for having an abortion.

I can't imagine anyone having such a cold hearted calloused position as to deny life saving treatment to a child that has survived a botched abortion.
Regardless of ones position on the subject, I don't want my tax money to help pay for it. But it does.
edited for clarification
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 10-07-2008 20:48
1) Says you. Of course the baby screamin might have a different view.
2) Yes. 9 months into his term after Slick whiffed on a shot to get him. 10 days later (921) we had a plan for invasion. 26 days later we invaded Afghanistan. You remember that place don't you. Thats where Obama says we should be. We did. And we are. But not for long.
3) Gonna be tough for Obama to justify being tough on terrorism when he and his kind blame us. Poor terrorists and those mean old Americans. How's that for talking about it?
4) Funny how small businesses are the ones complaining the most about the possibilities of Obamas so called soak the rich taxation.
5) Oh, I don't know. How about 50 fricken years of post vietnam liberal anti military attitudes and Obama right in there with it from the beginning of his career. Or the fact that he has made it clear that he would be no different than Carter or Cllnton in anti military legislation. That duck is still a quackin.
6) No. I mean the folks that might have been able to tell us more about 911 had the entire organization not been gutted by Willy, and the same folks that have busted terrorist plot after terrorist plot in the last 7 years. Virtually every single study on Intelligence in the post 911 era has made it clear we lost our Intelligence (especially indigenous personnel which Clinton legislation specifically made illegal in many instances) under Clinton. Pun intended.
7) I lived 7 years in Houston. Trust me. It can get a lot worse. How bout gutting the Border guard budget. Gotta save that money for windmills. Or, more border guards being jailed by liberal advocate DA's for doing their job. Or all out war on the border. The Mexican army is already crossing the border and threatening our citizens. What happens if they start shooting? Besides, I've already mad it clear tha tI oppose the Bush Immigration policy. But then conservatives can do that.
8) Fundementalist Islam in Iraq is much more real than Global Warming that nobody seems to be able to find.
9) You're not making the argument that Obama will be more hawkish than Bush Are you?  BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH?
10) Note that I said "attempt". Thats like the typical liberal ploy of trying to look toough by telling us we should be someplace else fighting instead of where we are. The recent Afghanistan ploy is case in point.
11) Doesn't matter what the names are he is surrounded by corruption. It has been that way his entire career.
12) Yeah, ole Bin Laden came a runnin to protect his old buddy Saddam. Stop it man. Your killin me here.
13) Lets see. How bout what they call the progressive living constitution agenda wherein judges continually radicalize the seperation of church and state concept to fit their anti religious agenda. Typical liberal. Typical Obama.
14) Yes I am. And it has more to do with invasion of privacy of which I oppose (see again, we can do that) than it does rippin families apart. But I''ll tell you what. When you discover that your 13 year old daughter has had her 3rd or 4th abortion, or your son prosecutes you for disciplining him don't blame Bush.
15) Lets see, if the radical Muslims began to take over in Pakistan are you telling me that you would seriously argue that Obama would be more aggrssive towards action than Bush would be? You gotta put down than bong.
16) Of course they've always been there. They're indigenous. Unlike the Syrians, and Jordanians, the Saudis, the Egyptians, and Yumpin Yemeni's so common in Iraq who apparently also came a runnin to Husseins rescue. Jeez. And they're standard tactic is to disperse in the face of greater force, and then regroup later on. It was the same tactics used against the Russians. Only they misjudged the improvements in our air attacks.
17) In the words of the famous Ronald Reagan, "there you go again". Funny how you seem to be expecting Bush to do everything. The right has always had to do the geopolitical dirty work. Wonder if you'll hold Obama's feet to the fire as well.
Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 10-07-2008 23:21 Edited 10-07-2008 23:24
Seven & a half years!
George Bush has been in office for 7 1/2 years.  The first six the
economy was fine.

A little over a year and a half ago:

1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2-1/2 year high;
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
3) The unemployment rate was 4.5%.
4) The DOW JONES hit a record high -- 14,000+
5) American's were buying new cars, taking cruises and vacations
     overseas, living large!

But American's wanted 'CHANGE'!   So, in 2006 they voted in a Democratic
Congress & yep -- we got 'CHANGE' all right!

1) Consumer confidence has plummeted;
2) Gasoline is now over $4.00 a gallon & climbing;  (today, gas has dropped to $2.79 here. courtesy of Mr. Bush, of course. if you are       going to blame him for gas going up, you must credit him for gas going down!)
3) Unemployment is up to 6.1%
4) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $12 trillion dollars &
     prices are still dropping;
5) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure.
6) THE DOW is probing another low ~11,000-- $2.5 TRILLION DOLLARS HAS


Now the Democrats' candidate for president -- and the polls say he's

gonna be 'the man' -- claims he's gonna really give us change! Just how

much more 'change' do you think you can stand?

Facts, not feelings.

Have a very nice day.

Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 10-07-2008 23:41
Nice post, I like this one I'm not in the know about all of the facts but most are true.  Let's not forget Obama has said, I believe in his book Audacity of Hope that if the political winds shift radically HE WILL STAND WITH MUSLIM PEOPLE ok thats pretty much a deal breaker for me I don't know about you. . . .but I think the Commander in Chief of this country should be christian or at least somewhere in the neighborhood. 
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 10-08-2008 03:32 Edited 10-08-2008 03:35
I do not think Barry cares more for Muslims than he does Crackers. Barry and the ones behind him are there for the power. The people who molded Barrys mind come from a Stalinist point of Communism. That is to utterly destroy any competition and after power to be sure those under you are too scared to make any move against you.

Read some of Bill Aryers stuff. Sweet William is not a education supporter. He believes in thorough indoctrination of young people. His formation of the Weathermen was only the beginning. However he is a pragmatist. He has learned how to achieve his future through others. Remember Communist use abortion as a way to implement and control population growth.

However, I have little faith in the intelligence of the voting public. Remember someone elected Polosi, Frank, Reid, and Schwarzenegger.

Some may have the same view of Scrub and McCain.

We talk about how our right to vote is sacred then we elect fools to represent us and then send these morons back year after year. They leave with millions and laugh at the fools we are.

Wanna know the solution, Look in the mirror. You either voted for these fools or did not do enough to help get useless scum booted out. We have Tom Craddock and Tom DeLay as our Texas Conservative sell outs. Did you help these fools stay in power?
Same for Nasty Polosi. You vote for this Marxist moronis?

YES WE CAN and it aint by electing that big eared Marxist and his POed wife!
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 10-07-2008 23:44
I could make an arguement for changing the abortion age to 18, then at least the kid could move out instead of being sucked out of Mommy with a Hoover
The Gores and Oxidental and all of the D's that sleep together will make billions from this normal climate swing. Wait another 25 years when the next cooling trend comes arround then it will be the power companies fault for putting too many wind degenerators in the excess ozone. Most scientists dont believe in the whole scam either.
They trained in ????????????
Sometimes the dog just bites himself
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-07-2008 20:39
1.  Constitutional issue.  Besides Supreme Court nominations the pres. has nothing to do with this.  See Roe V. Wade.
2.  Yep.  Under Bush's watch.  Criminal act not military act.  No war was started against rednecks when McVey did his thing in OKC.
3.  Terrorism is the finest tool of destruction.  Random people, doing random acts of violence whilest living among everyday people.  You get the Robin Hood treatment with it.  Ask Geo. Washington and the boys.
4.  Small business is already being destroyed.  Not by taxation but by the WalMarts of the world. 
5.  Unfortunatly that will never happen.  There is too much money in the industry to get rid of it.  The US has always had the top military toys available.  They need to learn how and when to use them that is the problem.  You can have billion dollar stealth fighters (paid for with tax money) against random guys with 50 year old AK 47s and RPGs and not be able to control a country.
6.  Intelligence. Or lack there of.  OK no WMDs were found.  Still no apology from Bush to the 4000+ families that have lost people fighting ghosts in Iraq.
7.  NAFTA is great.  It was started way too late to help anyone, Mexico or the US.  I think it was Nixon, a Republican, that opened trade with China.
8.  Billions spent on "Wars against Terror" with no solution.
9.  Who else has Nukes?  India, Pakistan, Israel, Russia, China, France, UK.  If a terrorist wanted a nuke there are plenty of places to get one.  Why can't other countries get nuclear power?
10. "If we don't remember history, it will repeat itself."  Or something like that.  All EMPIRES will fall eventually.  Its all about arrogance.  Rome, Persia, British and now the American.  The world is a very small place now.  Its time fore America to join the real world.  The UN was created to give every nation a place to be heard.  Bush the first listened to the UN and all was good.  Bush the second should have listened too.
11. Cabinet scandal?  WTF!
12. It wasn't there til recently.
13. Religion is being killed by the people that don't really practice anyways.  The govt allows all religion to thrive.  Unfortunatly!!!
14. Anarchy doesn't work either.
15. Pakistan not America, Pakistan.  Maybe we could offer them statehood.  India has nukes too.  Jammu and Kashmir should be given to Pakistan.  The English Empire screwed up that region.  As they did in the Middle East and Belgium did in Rwanda.  I told you Empire is dead.  See # 10.
16.  If its not them it will be somebody else.  They were OK when they were called the Mujahedin against the Soviets right?
17.  There is nothing in the Caucuses any way.  That region has always been in the sphere of Russian influence.  Half of them want to get back with Russia anyway.  So what, now?  Lets start WW over a back wood place.

Go Obama
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 10-07-2008 21:19
1) Besides the Supreme Court nominations? Isn't that enough?
3) Yeah, Al Qaeda is random.
5) Never completely happen to be sure. Not even Obam is that stupid. I hope. But Clinton officials can voice there confusion as to what to do with it. Jimmy can gut it so bad we can't keep helicopters in the air for a hostage rescue. And Clinton can gut it so bad our Air Force has to steal parts from one jet to keep another in the air.
6) Apology. This is really what is most pathetic about liberals.
8) Oh, there's a solution. But they ain't gonna quit. Are we?
9) If there are plenty of places to get one. Why haven't they? Oh, thats right. Osama, not to be confused with Obama, I hope, has refrained from blowin the hell out of us out of the goodness of his heart.
10) No. Its not all about arogance. Its about losing the will as well.
13) "Religion is being killed by the people that don't really practice anyways." Wonder what side of the aisle they're on?
17) "There is nothing in the Caucuses any way.".....Really?  Hmmm. "Half of them want to get back with Russia anyway."... Well, then to hell with the rest of them then? There's the true humanitarian liberal. Maybe Obama can set up tents for the refugees on the White House lawn.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 10-07-2008 21:42
And let me make one other quick point here. Of course at some point in time in the distant future there will most likely be some form of world government. We are all human with ultimately common interests. But until someone else proves themselves willing to step up and face a tough world in a tough manner, I for one am not willing to advocate risking our generations. Liberals seem too anxious to turn our security over to the whims of others who as yet haven't proven themselves concerned with our security in some form of naive coombayah. The United Nations for example. And if truth be told, virtually all nations feel the exact same way.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-07-2008 22:11
America has been degraded in the International Circus by Republican clowns. The Soviets had no respect for International law so what they did was to take over control of the entire Eastern side of Europe.  Both physically and by setting up puppet governments.  America said that is not right.  There is no different with what the Soviets did than what England, France, Belgium, Spain and now the US have done to the world.  Their colonial involvements have destroyed the traditionality of many countries.  The colonies eventually bit the proverbial hands that fed them.  So Belgium washed their hands of involvement in Rwanda, France in Indochina etc etc.  The current UN system will work if ALL countries would take EQUAL ownership of the world.  The world is ultimatly a business.  EVERYONE must deal with other respectfully and compassionatly.  The Soviets treated Afghanistan horribly.  The US sent $$$ to "help" the Afghans.  After the Soviets bailed so did the Americans.  Double standards in business will kill your business.  The EU was created so Europe could compete in the world market against the US, China and Japan.  Damn they bought Budweiser!  Its time to get on board the International train and get away from our, yes arrogant isolationist policies, so the ENTIRE WORLD CAN PROSPER.
I am not as liberal as I might sound.  I am pro-life, Gun toating, Devout Catholic. 
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 10-08-2008 12:18
"The current UN system will work if ALL countries would take EQUAL ownership of the world."
Wow. I'm not sure I can express how naive that is. The UN has its purposes but it will NEVER work as you invision it. You toss in that "if" as if its trivial, when that is really the whole point, and the whole reason that we are a long long way from anything like the UN working even moderately well. The primary fallacy of liberal support for the UN is based upon the democracy naivete'. The UN was after all modeled after western ideals. The very ideals that many around the world despise. You really believe you can convince fundamantalist Islam to believe in the western ideals of the UN? In America it is law that all are created equal. Its not perfect but it is the very foundation of why it works. In the UN dont expect it to work the same way until we are all Rwanda or Afghanistan. Or at least until all peoples in all countries are as free and equal as we are. How long do you think that will take? And who's going to maintain that freedom for all when the west is dead? But when you get right down to it therein lies the agenda doesn't it? Raise them up with handouts, tear us down with guilt and criticism, and then we're all equal (sound familiar with soak the rich and government handout policies).
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 10-08-2008 12:23
Oh, and one other thing, how can you rail against our colonialsim and isolationism at the same time? Wouldn't they by definition be diametrically opposed?
Myanmar is isolationist. Not America. Though liberal passivism and fortress America policies would wish it otherwise.
As for our colonialism I think the best quote I've ever heard is, "We fought two world wars to defend your country and the only land we asked in return was enough to bury our dead."
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