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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Ebay Certifications
- - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-08-2008 03:36
What is the deal with the buy selling Certifications on Ebay?  You weld your plate, pipe or what ever.  Then you send it into his company where he cuts, bends and photographs the results and sends you your cert.  That doesn't sound Kosher.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-08-2008 05:00
You get what you pay for. Sometimes. Once in a while.

When the word gets out, and it will, it has, his paperwork will be looked upon as nothing but wall paper.

He didn't witness the test. He doesn't know who the welder was. He doesn't know if the welder followed a WPS. He doesn't know if the test was welded in position.

Would you accept his paperwork knowing how the test was administered?

Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-08-2008 09:41
I certainly wasn't going to use his "service".  I just didn't no the legality of this.  It seemed like a good angle.  Welcome to free enterprise.
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 10-08-2008 16:24
And then again, maybe the "Ebay certifier" is really from Nigeria and you would get nothing at all for the money.  (Wotzat? Eh? No spick Anglish!)
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-08-2008 18:26
Thats nice. Maybe I can find a job over there!
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 10-08-2008 19:01
that brings up a good question though.  How would any of us really know someone is certified any time we ask for their papers? 
As far as my own employees, its easy I test them, and make out the certs.  But we have some outside companies (small ones) who sometimes do a misc. job for us but are still required to be certified.  If someone like them used a service like that, I wouldn't know.  All I ever receive is a copy of a cert and I make sure the guy who's standing their matches the name on the paper.  How many times have we gotten certs from 10 years ago and then if your lucky, a continuity log also, I'd still never know if it was done by some fly by night service unless they told me or I re-tested him myself.
Parent - - By pataterchip (**) Date 10-21-2008 22:24
I have had that same thought and that is why when I have a guy show up with a cert I don't recognize and the company wants him to weld, I will always watch his first few passes, finished welds, and keep an eye on his work, I have had guys with good certs from accredited schools come in and do terrible work. In section 6.4 of D1.1 it will allow you to reject welders qualifications based on "Quality of work" and goes as far as requiring a full re-certification. If a guy has all the certs in the world and can't perform he is off the job.

My $0.02
Parent - - By trapdoor (**) Date 10-22-2008 03:07
Certified and qualified are two different things. A certification gets you through the door, wether you are quailified to do the work is another thing entirely. This goes in all walks or life.
Parent - - By Bill M (***) Date 10-30-2008 19:01
ASNT defines-

Certification:  Written tesimony of qualification

Qualification:  Demonstrated skill, demonstrated knowledge, documented training, and documented experience required for personnel to properly perform the duties of a specific job.
Parent - By hvymax (**) Date 12-01-2008 16:17
  As a CWI the stamp is mine. My obligation to the AWS is not to abuse it. If a rouge CWI is signing off [stamping] credentials without following accepted procedures he should have his credentials revoked if not face prosecution for fraud. That said anyone can call him or herself an inspector. D1.1 p209 6.1.3 describes several categories of inspector that can include any "duly designated person" who acts for, and in behalf of the contractor/ owner/ engineer. So unless he is offering AWS certs[fraud] he is handing out pretty pieces of paper that most people will accept at face value[probably to their dismay].  HVYMAX
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Ebay Certifications

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