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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / 1 PQR or 2?
- By petty4345 (**) Date 10-08-2008 16:01
Looking at AWS D1.1 (2004) figure 4.19 fillet weld test.
(just for reference as someone else is using my copy of 2006)

This figure shows qualifying a single pass and a multi pass weld on 1 test assembly.
Would this be recorded on 2 PQRs?

I just got CEIs Advanced Welding System software and this is the 1st PQR that I am transfering from a manual format.
I had recorded both welds on 1 manual PQR, but this software only has input for 1 fillet weld size but area for input of single pass and multi pass macro etch results.

Was my manual format approach incorrect?
This is a new PQR and has not been submitted to anyone yet or used on any production welding.
Also, would there need to be 2 WPSs written, or could both situations be covered with 1?
I just want to get headed down the right road.
Thanks in advance for any help/comments 
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / 1 PQR or 2?

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