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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Charpy and WPS thickness limits
- - By jarcher (**) Date 10-11-2008 19:18
About two years ago the company I work for had to requal all its CS plate welding procedures to satisfy DNV as to the applicability of our procedures to the actual welding in production. DNV was correct, the procedures we were using didn't relate to what we were doing very well. We make units with a framework of square tubing and at that time we were using procedures back gouged and welded from both sides. All our procedures were upgraded to CJP welded from one side only, and were done with charpies because we have some contracts that call for impacts. In the ensuing period, I learned that tubular welding requires procedure and welder qualification on tubular which I am now pitching to the boss (even though ,surprisingly, we have never had any issue with third parties or customers about using the plate procedures, not even a comment, my guess is its just a matter of time). Here's the crux of my question: When we did WPS qualifications the last time, DNV would only accept thickness limits for impacts that tracked the ASME thickness limits. Our consulting welding engineer acquiesced even though I raised the question at the time, and wrote up the procedures with ASME thickness limits for impacts. Having learned a bit more and having examined section 4 of D1.1 in some detail, I can't find any basis for the imposition of ASME limits regarding thickness in an AWS qualified WPS. My reading of section 4 finds no difference between the WPS thickness limits and thickness limits of the same WPS with impacts. It would sure be a lot easier to pitch switching to a tube based procedure for our TKY production welding if we had to qualify at most 2 WPS's and could cover all our various thickness ranges and tube sizes by running 6GR tests rather than the dozen plate tests we ran because of the previously imposed charpy thickness limits.
Parent - - By jarcher (**) Date 10-12-2008 22:19
Anybody care to comment? I would really like to be as certain as possible that if we run new WPS's there's not going to be some "gotcha" popup over thickness limitations on charpy.
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 10-13-2008 00:39
Check back tomorrow, alot of people don't check the site over the weekend. and alot of us that do don't have code books at home!
Parent - - By Bill M (***) Date 10-13-2008 16:25
The ASME thickness limits are in Sect. 9, 403.6. 
The AWS thickness limits are basically the same and listed in table 4.6
Parent - - By jarcher (**) Date 10-14-2008 02:04
Thanks, really don't understand how I missed that one, but I most certainly did. One thing I haven't run across in D1.1 though is the limitation on GMAW-S thickness that ASME has for thickness less than 1/2, where the maximum thickness where T<1/2 is T x 1.1 instead of 2T. Am I correct that this ASME provision is not matched by AWS? If it is not it should be possible to run two tests, one where T=3/8 and the other where T=1 and cover any conceivable wall thickness we might use for both charpy and non charpy (we do not use tube less than 3/8 because of NDE concerns).
Parent - - By Bill M (***) Date 10-15-2008 12:51
I haven't found any specific GMAW-S limitation requirements in AWS D1.1 as found in ASME Code.
Parent - By jarcher (**) Date 10-19-2008 15:15
Thanks Bill, sorry for the lateness of the reply. I think I have the ducks all lined up now to pitch the boss.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Charpy and WPS thickness limits

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