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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Welcome to the Welfare States of America
- - By uphill (***) Date 10-12-2008 11:12
The experts in the financial world are reacting to Osama leading the polls. Most of them are well aware that the supposed tax breaks are going to put upwards of $10,000 into the hands of 10+ Million people who dont pay any taxes at the expense of everyone else. Overtaxing the backbone of american investors and corperate america and giving to the poor and helpless. This coupled with the giving of over 60 billion to the UN for poor countries worldwide will result in cutting the budget? Just watched a news program on Fox news, then I saw the same talk on CNN and most all of the financial world has reacted to the same doomsday scare.
I am all for helping people that want to better their life and build a future but I can see a large scale copy of the Jessie the Moron Ventura campain to line his pockets coming from the O/B  ticket. If the world is going to hell in a hand basket Before He gets in office???  Another great American cornerstone = General Motors gets bought up by a German Car company whats next giving control of the Armed Forces to the UN?
I dont know about you but the thought of going through a depression with a terrorist backed anti gun all for taxes and Big welfare future worst president in all history is un american. (its still America yes?)

Parent - By Root Pass (***) Date 10-12-2008 14:07
Wait till Paulson descides,overnight, we are switching to the Euro or some thing just as crazy!
Parent - - By octavio morales (*) Date 10-12-2008 17:26
i really don't know to much about politics. i have never voted before in my life. i have always been sort of a anarchists, but i think its time to start voting(you can't complain, if your not doing something about it). i have been reading a lot of bad things about "osama". say he becomes president and all these bad thing start happening. can't we just impeach him? or do  you think it will be to late?
please enlighten me
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 10-12-2008 21:19
What would one impeach him for. Giving the people what they want? People want someone to make it better. They refuse to look in the mirror and admit THEY are the problem. Our representatives reflect what we the votors really want. We elect then re-elect this pond scum to washington where they think they have some secret power to make it better. There is no one we have elected that is one beit smarter then you or me. After 2 terms they then become corrupt and thet is when they learn how to get things done "for the people" back home.
They sell their souls for continued power.
Conservatives put Tom DeLay in power and kept him there. He is a sleezy bug exterminator. He took his position and enriched himself and his family. Same for Nasty Polosi. She has enriched herself at the trough of public service. There are no leaders in Washington. Only single cell pond scum that is sucking the life out of the pond.
I am so disappointed in Scrub. Looking back maybe Maines was right. He sold out to the bankers and our great grandchildren will pay for this fool's folly. Sure he has kept another terrorist attack from happening on our soil. I guess if you dont count the economic meltdown that has occurred because of government and Wall Street corruption. I could take greed, hell we are all greedy. These people are purely corrupt.
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 10-12-2008 20:44
I agree with you, I also think welfare people need to drug test, as we do to get a job and pay into it. I also think they should keep records and reciepts of their spending. (what else have they got to do?)
Parent - - By texwelder (***) Date 10-12-2008 22:29
Along withthe drug test they need to give these people on welfare a job, there are plenty of jobs the gov. pays people to do when these people could earn those welfare checks.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 10-13-2008 11:45
Drug test?? why that would violate their civil rights. (said with a large measure of sarcasm)
Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 10-13-2008 12:04
I'm totally with you on that one! :-)
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 10-13-2008 11:15 Edited 10-13-2008 11:18
Textwelder, Ctacker and others.

I don't want to hear any more griping about welfare for poor people.

The biggest welfare scammers in history have been getting fed on the public trough for a century in this country.  Chrysler,, Harley Davidson,, AIG, Other big insurance companies, Airlines, Wall Street in general, City Bank, Chase Bank, Goldman Sachs, Illegal Aliens, Israel, 

So, until we get the swindlers and their current henchmen (Paulsen, Busch, Franks, ETC.) in jail forever, and impoverish their families and their friends forever, lets be a little kinder to those who, for whatever reason, lack the power to make it honestly and live decently in our economic system,
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 10-13-2008 13:07
When I lived in New Orleans, I saw professional welfare recipients at work. These people had been born and bread for this purpose only, and have it down pat. The last thing they want is a job, and wouldn't take one if you offered a dozen.
These people go in together and rent charter buses once a month. They start their trip at the welfare office in New Orleans to pick up their check. Then they go over the border to Slidell, Mississippi and pick up the checks waiting for them there. Then they go over to ALabama and pick up those checks. Many have more than one identity and pick up multiple checks, yes at multiple locations.
Then, the ones who live in the projects go home to their new apartment. It's new because after they tore out and sold all of the appliances and aluminum window frames from their old one, which caused it to be declared unfit for human habitation, so the gonernment had to provide new ones.
I could go on all day, but my blood is boiling already.
To hell with 95% of welfare recipients. Their theiving souls make me sick.
May God bless the other 5% who are earnestly trying to get back on their feet.

Tim Gary
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 10-13-2008 11:23
I do, really like the idea of making welfare or other social benefits take a drug test, like many of us who work for a living.  I also love the idea of making those who register to vote show some form of valid identification.  This past year my wife became a citizen and when we went down to register her to vote, I couldn't believe it when they actually refused her ID!!!!
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-13-2008 12:47
well then i guess i need to be the first in line so where do i go i have never done drugs a dain my life not even played with it unless you cont beer well then yeah i'm a drugie so where do i line up there are people that need it and there are thos that abuse it i have seen it myself first hand but hwta can ya do it was there when my family needed it and now i am titled as a drugie cause i needed some help keeping my family whats left of them alive in a month or so i'll be able to go back to work and reay it all i can send you reciepts if you like not everybody milks the system you know it was a hard decision to go ask for help more pride than anything ese but hwne ya have 2 kids asking whats to eat and you have to scrounge thru the cupboards and pantry just ot keep food in thier bellys you have to swallow pride and start surviving only help i get is with food i didnt have insurance when i got hurt and workmans comp didnt pick up the claim ssi denied me of temporary disability so i had to do sumthing try this on for size 300,000.00 just in hospital stay and then the 15 or so doctors that say they helped at 1-3,000.00 a pop and the follow up visits at 45 a pop and then the pills at 150 a month and watching your wife take a dead beat job for 10 an hr just to help a lil when you know you can be out there making 10k a month standing on ur head and you have to stick your hand out to feed the kids degrading yes embarassin yes but tell me instead of asking for it you'd sit there and watch your kids starve i think not so tell me where i need to line up i'll p^^ in a cup hell i'll even give you a hair sample if thats what wants spit on a stick what ever you can dream up and i will pass with flying colors let me know when you ready today tomorrow next week next month dont matter to me just let me know hell i'll even pay for it so you cant gripe about that either enuff said
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 10-13-2008 13:57

> i am titled as a drugie cause i needed some help

Thats NOT what I said, or everyone that has a job would be titled one for having to take one before getting a job. There are alot of people that need it, there are alot more that don't. You cant single out the ones that look like they might spend it on drugs. so they need to test them all. If you make them turn in reciepts and test, there would be alot less taxes being payed to the ones that don't need it, or that do need it and spend it on drugs. you yourself have mentioned in alot of posts that you are getting drunk, is that what the welfare system pays you to do?
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-13-2008 14:15
Getting drunk? are you kidding me? i think you have me confused with someone else i dont sit here and get drunk writting post i hardly ever drink and if you're keeping tabs where were you the 3 years i didnt touch a drop when i wasnt needing or getting help but that dont matter cause i was normal then right? like i said show me where to go and i'll do whatever i guess you've never been in aposition where you were wondering where your next dollar was comming from and if the kids were gonna have something to eat or ha dto watch your wife work her tail off just to get by not make ends meet just get by i was working making over 100k a year when i got hurt and no wi need some help getting food fo thekids thats it i still pay my own electric water and rent and now not only am i a drugie but i'm a drunk too lol you crack me up a drunk yeah right far from it show me where i need to turn in reciepts and i'll gladly do that to just to reassure you ifeed my kids withwhat lil help i get and dont spend it on booze or drugs and just for your information you cant buy booze with food stamps so yeah they are giving me money for booze thats a good 1
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 10-13-2008 14:30;hl=drunk;hl=drunk;hl=drunk
Only one says you got drunk lately, so maybe I'm not completely right on that. but I don't like having the taxpayer pay for drugs for people that are perfectly capable of working.
I have known some honest poor people, and I have been very generous to them. Its the ones that milk the system that need to be stopped.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-13-2008 15:28
so i get drunk 1 time after 3 years and I'm a drunk? OK that's fine whatever. do i need the help yes to feed my kids? do i milk it? no unless you count being disabled since march 18 cause of an injury i received on the job. and the company insurance wont pay the claim, no attorneys are willing to take the case. cause Workman's comp claims are to hard to get now because of all the people that have cheated the system. well then yes i guess i am. and let me takes this time to say I'm sorry for coming off so strong. just very upsetting to have to need the help and then have to read about how you must be a druggie if you need it. did i use proper punctuation?
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 10-13-2008 17:32
No Shad you did not use proper punctuation.  When you start your sentences you need to capitalize the first work OK???  ROFLMAO,  don't let it happen again or I'm going to call the BS police on ya!!
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 10-13-2008 17:45
  How exactly do you "capitalize the first work"? LOL Gotcha :-)

The BS Police, Spelling Patrol, and the Federal Bureau of Capitalization are gonna lock us ALL up. LMFAO

jrw159 :-)
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-13-2008 20:35
Don't forget the Department Of Punctuality.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 10-13-2008 20:40
You mean the Department of Punctuation. LOL

The Department of Punctuality only gets involved if you are late with your reply's. :-)

jrw159 :-)
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-13-2008 21:05
According to the link you just sent. Punctuation is my choice for i am the writer in my replies so i don't need to worry about it no more therefore anybody having a problem with trying to figure out where the beginnings and ends of my sentences are forget it cause i dont care this aint a spelling bee and it sure aint a writing contest so i dont have to worry about it thank you john for your help in this matter now i can stop worrying about making sure my writings are punctually correct and type faster so i can get another diamond as i have been accused of so that being said have fun catching me but i will still use spell check for those of us that cant read well enuff to figure things out
Parent - By vagabond (***) Date 10-13-2008 20:47
Whoops make that "word".  Nice catch. . . .
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-13-2008 20:04
I'm so sorry sir. Please fill out the appropriate citation and i will send you some food stamps for payment. If that is not acceptable payment please let me know, and i will gladly come dig the ditch (by hand) for your new sprinkler system. If that is not sufficient enough well then sir we may have a problem. On second thought JUST SUE ME. I did run spell check this time and everything is correct. Is there a punctuation checker out that i can use so i can be correct in my spelling and punctuality. So that those of us that are spell checking or have a hard time reading can understand what is is that I'm typing.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-13-2008 21:33
Much better.  Except your "i" should be capitalized. LOL
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-13-2008 22:01
yeah well like it's been said already i aint perfect and after looking at the link john posted it's up to me whether or not i want to capitalize and punctuate and to live up to the accusation that i type fast to get to five diamonds i dont have time to do all the correct stuff so they'll either get use to it or just not read what i have to say this is america and its their choice
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 10-13-2008 22:05
just a reminder, not aimed at anyone

A place to relax.....
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 10-13-2008 22:36
  Thank you for that valuable reminder. :-)

Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 10-13-2008 23:39
That third link is the original draft of the FC-2002.  It is code.  Great reference. :)
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 10-13-2008 23:51
oops, sorry shad! :)
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-14-2008 02:33
no biggie it said you would be drunk not that i was drunk and well in weather like that you better be using some kind of alchol to bite the cold back with johnny is right good ol FC words to live by oops o forgot to punctuate and capitalize oh well send me a ticket and if the spelling is wrong tuff i dont have spell check on the desk top
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 10-13-2008 14:05
After running your tally up to four diamonds, you treat the rest of us to this nine line run-on sentence, replete with no punctuation and no spell check.  I hope they don't give you an English test when you go for that job!   If you get a CWI Certificate you will be in real trouble if you file an inspection report narrative like this!  How about giving us a break?!?!?!?
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-13-2008 14:20
i didn't know there was an education requirement for joining this forum and if you don't like what i have to say or how it's written then don't read it
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 10-13-2008 14:34

I realize you are too busy typing as fast as you can so you can run up more diamonds.

ROSS:  Please give Shad one of my diamonds so he has time to write properly.

Joe Kane
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 10-13-2008 15:14
I've read the post, and find some personal concerns in shads response. Having recently had a problem with a poster who was giving me a rash of S*** for no good reason, I would say give the man a break. With all due respect to all concerned, maybe it would have been advisable to ask for clarification, rather than jumping straight to damnation.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-13-2008 14:23
That is great. I must second that Joseph. I tried to read that post and I couldn't.  He might have had a point somewhere in there.  Maybe his keyboard is on the fritz.  LOL.  I will lend him some periods.  Please take what you need. LOL
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 10-13-2008 14:31 Edited 10-13-2008 19:07

No- He just thinks it is OK to act like a moron.  You would think he would want to hide the fact!  (Like I try to)
Parent - By vagabond (***) Date 10-13-2008 14:46
I don't ever post on here unless I've had a couple. . . . I drink to make others more interesting.  Yes I have a drinking problem, 2 hands and only one mouth.  OK I'll stop now or I guess I'll go on over to the BS thread before I get in trouble!!
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-13-2008 15:33
and now we are name calling where are we in the 2nd grade sorry but i wont lower myself to your level and yes vagabond i agree we need to go befroe the bs police get after us
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 10-13-2008 15:45
Lets say they are all forced to get a job. Or at least perform some task for their pay. It could be structured on the hourly basis. However; how would you enforce showing up for work, or if they did, actually doing anything? In the real world, no show, no work = no job. In the walfare world, what are you going to do? Fire them?

After 80 percent of the walfare recipients effectively strike, and their checks are cancelled, what then? Anybody remember Katrina where TV's and shoes were being looted? or how about the LA riots? While the primary focus was on the black community by the media, there were all races involved in those. (you could almost say it was racist news coverage)
White, black, latino, asian, all were involved in both cited incidences in one way or another. What was the common thread? All in walfare neighborhoods, most on walfare themselves.

What does long term working for a living teach a person? Responsibility, work ethic, self worth, and a host of other positive values usually.

what does long term walfare teach a person? How to scam the system for more money, over dependance on others, lack of self control, lack of self worth, 0 responsibility, and a host of other negatives.

So when the checks stop flowing because they refused to work. What do you think is going to happen?? For that matter, it doesn't even have to be stopped, it could be simply planned.

Does anyone honestly believe there is a standup politician out there that would vote for such a measure? It's called exit strategy. What do you do when the results arrive?
Arrest them? There will be grumblings of slavery. Bow over to their demands? Bingo, what they do everytime.

In my personal opinion, there should be a two year limit for walfare if your able bodied to work. There should be mandatory education so they get work during that two years, or retraining if it was the case of losing ones job. The only exception will be those unable to work for documented physical disability.
Would it cause massive riots. Absolutely. Do I care? No.
No matter what plan is implemented, somebody is going to suffer. It has gone on to the point instituting the title of this thread. A welfare state of America. If it's left as is, it will eventually bring this country down permenantly, along with everyone trying to work for a living.

The flip side of the coin is the cons in congress and the fat cats on wall street would need a visit to prison as well.

So taking both sides in light of each other? i don't honestly see either happening because this country is full of people who have lost the stomach to fight. There are some good ones still left out there, but they are getting rarer by the day.

my opinion for what it's worth.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-13-2008 15:56

One very glaring difference between then and now......these people actually wanted to work to provide for their they want a handout.

We have the Blue Ridge Parkway and several nice camping spots here in Va that were created during this time...
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 10-13-2008 16:34
Ladies and Gentlemen,
  I am replying to all in general, and just picked Ctackers post to jump in at.

I totally agree with the idea of people on welfare taking drug tests and documenting where their money goes. There is nothing wrong with that. We do it all the time, and we have jobs!! Pre-employment drug tests, random drug tests, expense reports ect. ect.

My parents ran a homeless shelter in CO for 15 years that also had a big hand in the welfare scene, IE food stamps, WIC ect. I have seen both kinds of people, the users and abusers, as well as the many that truly need help and are in bad spots due to NO fault of their own. In that 15 years, I have to say, and this may rub some the wrong way, but it is a fact, 60% of the people we saw come through were users and abusers of the system. My parents had to deny, or kick out MANY people for drinking and drug use. There was a mandatory background check to be able to receive assistance, and these were very reveiling and often scary to say the least.

There is a large portion of recipeints that would have no problem taking a drug test and documenting the use of their funds, like Shad, BUT there is also the portion that would have a problem with it.

Now let me also add that along with the drug test, there should be some sort of rehabilitation program for those that want to get clean. If you want the help, it will be provided, but if you don't, then kick rocks!!!

As for putting these people to work, I say YES. Now of course there are many who can not work. This is understandable. BUT if a position can be found that one can be usefull and productive in, then they should be made to at least try.

I have helped people in the past that have fallen on hard times, and some will take everything they can from you and more, never offer anything in return, not even a thank you. I have also helped people who need the help, but want to return something if they can. I will not let these people pay cash, or anything like that. I will refuse it. If they send a check, I void it. If they send cash, I donate it to a charitable cause in their name.

I know this statement is going to go over like a fart in a diving bell with some, but remember, I am basing this off of actual first hand experiance, and from what I was exposed to first hand, 60% users and abusers, and 40% legitimate.

These numbers could change with the implimentation of some requirements like the ones mentioned in this thread.

Now some will say, who is going to pay for the drug tests? Taxpayers of course would be the first ones impacted. But lets think about this for a minute.

With the implimentation of a plan like this, we would incure another cost for welfare assistance. YES

BUT, with this cost we weed out the useres and abusers, and the cost goes down.


jrw159 :-)
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-13-2008 17:02
The saying, "The world needs ditch diggers too."  IMHO comes into play when talking about welfare recipients.  I would have to say that most recipients come from situations where their education system has "left them behind".  If your father is a doctor, lawyer or Indian Chief, then there is a very good chance that you will either do a job similar or at least as financially secure.  John McCain's family were high level Navy men.  Is there any doubt where he was heading?

I'm not saying that one must always live in poverty, my wife has dug herself from very dispicable conditions as a child to making 100k +/- a year.  It is possible!  But unfortunatly what I see with people I know that use/abuse the system is there is mental depression that comes along with poverty as a condition.  With all of the "Ditch Digger" jobs either filled overseas, by immigrants (illegal or otherwise), there are not that many opportunities for betterment.

Underemployment is just a rampant as unemployment.  I have been a welder since 1992.  I hear all the time "you must make alot of money".  Not really.  Especially now that I am laid off.  I see many posts that talk about guys making 100k or so and I about s**t myself.  The most I have made is about 40k and that is with alot of overtime. 

I know that many problems are caused by one's own lack of drive to betterment.  But depression is apart of this lack of drive.  Opportunity has a lot to do with peoples' conditions.  Drug testing would be a good idea to obtain Gov't assistance.  But drug treatment would be the next logical step.  Drug addict do have dependents.  Using drug testing as a means of denying people necessary sustanance means denying a child food, shelter and opportunity to better themselves.  Doctor, lawyer, Indian chief or unemployed, uneducated, junky.  There is a fine line between those 2 groupings.

PS   Before anyone can start talking s**t.  I will clarify a few things.  I am a left-wing liberal Democrat.  So come on lets have it!!!
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 10-13-2008 17:34
Your a Democrat!!!  I was just starting to like you too. . . . . . LOL
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-13-2008 17:37
Thats classic
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 10-13-2008 17:38
  I totally agree that the mentality is "ingrained" (for lack of better words)

And yes, as I mentioned, rehabilitation for drug users on welfare is KEY to this idea working. now of course you will have the ones who do not want to change, and better themselves, but for the most part, if the help (rehab) is there, they would accept it.

Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 10-13-2008 20:54
Thanks for clarifying that, I been too busy and my Internet keeps crashing at work today to post a response.
I'm not picking on shad like he may think I am. As you stated, it will keep the ones needing it to continue getting it, and weed out the ones abusing it.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 10-13-2008 21:22
  Shad is a very proud person, as I am sure you are aware. I think he may have read more into it than was there, and, IMHO, for a guy in his position right now, that is understandable. I am the same way, and I can only imagine what it took, and what it did to him mentaly, to have to fill out an application for assistance. How rough would that be for you, me, or any of the rest of us to go through????

I think you have your head on straight when it comes to this. I just think that a combination of the way things were worded and looked at between two strong minded proud individuals at the moment, things got a little misconstrued. JMHO :-)

Of course it has been said that I don't know sh** from shinola too, so who knows. LOL

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