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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Welding symbol question
- - By 583848 Date 10-16-2008 04:20

      Please pardon my ignorance, but I have encountered a situation with a welding symbol that baffles me.
AWS A2.4 6.2.2 says that omitting the depth of bevel and weld size dimensions from the welding symbol requires a groove weld that extends through the thickness of the joint.
That being said the symbol I mentioned is for welding a LAP JOINT the drawing calls for a 9mm fillet weld arrow side,
and a combination bevel-groove weld with a 9mm fillet weld on the other side. My question is since niether the depth of bevel nor the weld size is
specified for the bevel groove weld on the drawing, is AWS A2.4 6.2.2 applicable to lap joints? Our Engineering dept. says that they believe that it does not apply because the weld joint is not a butt joint, but I can not find anything that excludes lap joints. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.

Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 10-16-2008 13:47
If lap joints are excluded then by the same logic corner and T joints would be excluded. I think that the requirement is talking about groove welds not joint types.
Parent - - By 583848 Date 10-16-2008 16:48
That is the same way I feel, but I can not get anyone else at work to believe me. Does anyone know of any supporting information?

Parent - By hogan (****) Date 10-16-2008 17:01
Currently I don't have a copy of AWS A3.0 welding terms and definitions but I believe this would help it sounds like a copy would help your company. Also, if you look at AWS A2.4 (07) page 114 has a chart called AWS welding symbol chart. If you look at the btm left it lists basic joint types: butt, corner, T, lap, and edge.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Welding symbol question

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