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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / ASNT vs. Hellier
- - By pioneer1 Date 10-17-2008 18:48
I've heard that the tests out of Hellier for the ndt level III exams are quite a bit differant then ASNT's is this true?  Ive heard ASNTs UT exams have alot about immersion testing where helliers doesn't and that ASNT weighs some of there questions were ASNT doesnt.  Personnelly i know enough to be dangerous with immersion and if this is the case i would rather test out of hellier.  Does anybody have any info on the differance if any between the two?
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-18-2008 20:28
I took my ASNT ACCP Level III examines for VT at Hellier's in Niantic, CT. The examination I took came right from ASNT by FAX. As a matter of fact, I had to wait for the FAX to be printed out in order to start the examination. 

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 10-20-2008 16:20
Hellier is not a recognized body as ASNT is in America. They will test you to their version of Level III and give you a qualification, rather than a certification.
In S. America, I've seen Hellier qualification paper work presented as a certification, but it's not the same thing.

The ASNT L III test does have immersion questions a plenty, and despite what you hear, don't be surprised when some resonance questions pop up.
ASNT's tact on this is UT is UT is UT. Be it contact, immersion, or other. One area were i differ with ASNT is in the ACCP program. With the requirements for the standard level III being what they are, the idea that a level III applicant could be less than qualified doesn't ring true with me. It's a come a knowing thing to me. If their program is such that unqualified applicants can take the LIII exam, then they need to change their requirements.

Having said that, immersion is no different in theory than contact, the same physical rules apply. (Lwave in water, velocity, time of flight, echo dynamics, snells law etc etc)
therefore I happen to agree with ASNT when it comes to the test, the only thing I disagree with ASNT on is some of the questions for the test was more about trying to figure out what the question was asking rather than asking for specific understanding of a particular topic.

Unless your in Peru or some other country of its' kind, Hellier cert is not going to hold water unless it's tied to a specific written practice that accepts their test.

Parent - - By pioneer1 Date 10-20-2008 16:37
Thanks for the response CWI555.  But maybe im not understanding the hellier qualification your speaking of.  I thought hellier being an authorized testing agency for ASNT that there test would be recognized by ASNT and you would recieve ASNTs qualification.  If not what would be the pourpose of being an ASNT authorized testing agency?
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 10-20-2008 16:39
When they say they are authorized, they are saying they are authorized to proctor the ASNT test. They are not saying they have a cert of their own.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-22-2008 14:43
As CWI55 states, Hellier can administer the ASNT ACCP examinations. As I stated, the examination comes directly from ASNT.

The purpose of using a testing site such as Hellier in Niantic, Connecticut, is that it is more convenient to travel to Niantic (approximately 50 miles from my home, than it is to travel to Columbus, Ohio, which is about 500 miles.

The certification is issued by ASNT, not Hellier (if the ASNT examinations are taken).

Hellier can also administer their version of NDT examinations to meet the requirements of either (or both) SNT-TC-1A or CP-189. In both cases the employer issues the certification as required by SNT-TC-1A and CP-189 in accordance with the employer's written practice. In the case of SNT-TC-1A or CP-189 a third party such as Hellier acts as the "Outside Agency" on behalf of the employer.

Hope this helps you to understand how the system works.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By BamaDave (**) Date 11-06-2008 17:53
I took my ASNT Level III "RT Test" at Hellier's in Niantic, CT.  The atmosphere is much nicer and everything was handled in a very professional matter.  If I were to take any additional ASNT examination they would be at Hillier without a doubt!

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / ASNT vs. Hellier

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