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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Oxy acetylene pipe test
- - By TRC (***) Date 10-18-2008 14:54 Edited 10-18-2008 19:58
I have to take an OA welding test. 33 years into this and it will be my first one. Have welded mufflers and misc stuff but never a pipe test. I know there is RG rod just for this test. I'm assuming it will be 2" or smaller and thin walled. I'm supposed to get info early in the week about the test details but I need to practice today. I've got some 1-1/2" here at the house that I'm going to practice on. Does anyone have any tips on how they have done this test? Thanks in advance- Ted
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 10-23-2008 19:31
its a test we take here as our first weld test in our apprenticeship. the criteria is it is pulled apart and the first crack must not be in the weld or at welds edge.
if you've been at it for 33 years then it'll be no problem. just make sure that you use a tip and gas flow settings that does not create turbulence.
this kind of weld was used in the gas industry for years and i am sure in some cases still is.
i actually find ocw fun, probably because i don't have to do it every day.
take care
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 10-23-2008 20:07
What position is the test usually conducted in?  What are they looking for in the root?  Do they look for flush or a nice wedding band?  Sounds like the root would be the hardest part for a full penn OAW pipe test and the rest would be cake.
Parent - By TRC (***) Date 10-31-2008 16:56
Darren, Kix, thanks for your responses. The test was given in the 6G.  API 1104 applied. Kix you are correct, the root was the most difficult but after recieving some good advice from this forum and other welders it wasn't difficult. The test also included a 12" B&B, 1- 2" shd40 6010, 1- 2" 70+ and a 3/4 punch tee- Ted
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Oxy acetylene pipe test

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