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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / WPS & PQR again?
- - By SammyShine (**) Date 10-21-2008 18:44 Edited 10-21-2008 18:48
Parent - - By freewelder (*) Date 10-22-2008 06:32
Looks like I am the first to dive into the pool here. Sammy, your post seem to always light up this forum :-). I have seen the documents. There are some errors in it but the document is already signed by some people. What is your purpose of posting this here? I can only make two guesses. The first being your concern that these papers are not being properly documented and you have some doubts about the professionalism of the people who signed the documents off. You may have had experiences where Inspectors or clients have rejected the documents and thrown it back to you. Whatever the situation is, you have to understand that the responsibility isn't yours to bear. It lies with the people who signed off the documents. If there are mistakes in the documents, someone else made those mistakes. Not you. You need not have to feel sorry or bear the thought that if you had been more vigilant, you could have saved some embarrassing situations. Your genuine concern for the well being of your company must be commended but there is a limit to what you can do considering that you are not a professional in this line of work.

The other guess is, you find this sort of work interesting. You are fascinated by its technical aspects. Perhaps, something you feel you could grasp if you could find out more. This too is to be commended and encouraged. But you can't find out nearly enough by just asking questions in these forums. My advice is to seek some kind of formal instruction. You can do this part time, while still holding on to your current work. A great resource would be here;  Good luck and oh, do continue to hang out here. I am sure the gals and guys here have a lot to talk about your postings ;-).
Parent - By Shane Feder (****) Date 10-22-2008 10:13
I agree with freewelder, there are numerous errors.
It would be well worth your company employing a qualified person to witness and document these procedures as when you put them out in the public domain it is your companies reputation that is on show.
I had a quick look at one PQR and will make a couple of comments.
1 If the process is FCAW it cannot be a manual and semi automatic process.
2 The position cannot be 1G and vertical up.
3 Runs on a PQR cannot be "As required", it is supposed to be a true record of what actually happened in the Procedure Qualification Test.
I also admire you for attempting to make sure things are done correctly but there is definitely more work required,
Good luck,
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / WPS & PQR again?

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