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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Food for thought
- - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-22-2008 01:08
Parent - - By and4rik (**) Date 10-22-2008 02:14
damn over achievers
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-22-2008 03:29
Does it bother You that they [over achievers] pay the majority of the taxes?????
Parent - - By and4rik (**) Date 10-23-2008 01:16 Edited 10-23-2008 01:52
If I made alot of money and had to give more of it away to pave a path that someone else follows, I would not be a happy camper. 
Why not a straight sales tax or some other system. 
The way I see it, American society is building on a history of unresolved conflict: slavery, oppression, japanese concentration camps in wwii, women's right to vote, Vietnam, 9/11...
Now every American is a suspected terrorist.  Man, Bin Laden really got it good.  How long are we gonna stay at war on this one?
"Give me your tired , poor,... and huddled masses."   What do you expect.
I'm no history buff, and politics are not my specialty, and I definately don't watch "news-tainment", but I think I get the idea.  Feel free to comment.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-23-2008 03:06
     I can live with the graduated tax system We have now. I don't think a Robin Hood plan is a great idea. A national sales tax might be fair, but unless there are a lot of provisions to prevent it, an item would get taxed a lot of times between when it was made and when it was finally used [is tax due every time an item is resold?] .

     I used to spend a lot of time in the Bahamas. They have import duty from 15% on "essentials" up to 65% on "extravegances". They have no income taxes. It seems to work OK for them, but automobiles, electronics, tools and plenty of other things are at the 65% rate. A British friend who lived and worked there for 18 years and has since moved to the US, recently told Me He prefers the tax system We have here in the US.

     Obviously the country has to come up with money, an the population is going to have to fork it over. There is probably no plan that is fair to everyone, and it is a fine line to come up with a system that allows businesses to prosper, encourages investment and does not opress the lower income groups.
Parent - - By and4rik (**) Date 10-23-2008 03:38
To quote the lyrics of and old punk band: "Anarchy burger, hold the goverment please." !
Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 10-25-2008 20:15
Hell yes!
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-23-2008 13:02
From what I understand, Obama just wants to raise the tax rate from 36 to 39% on $250,000 and up.  Also I think that was the old rate and Bush gave that 3% cut. What also gets me is the fact that Social Security tax is only paid on money up to $102,000.  Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Obama and McCain all will be able to collect Social Security.  They are millionaires and billionaires.  IMO I don't think that if you already have loads of money then that 1200/mo (or whatever they get) should be used for something else.
Parent - By and4rik (**) Date 10-25-2008 17:44
this is an interesting article I came across, I didn't read the whole thing though.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Food for thought

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