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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / AWS D1.2, PQR vs. Qualification
- - By Ke1thk (**) Date 10-31-2008 13:17
I'm trying to write a PRQ based on D1.2, 2003.  We specialize in 1"-3" tubes with .035, .049, .065 wall thickness'.  The PQR I'm considering is a 2" diameter x .035" wall 6061 tube.  I'm confused.

According to Table 3.4, "Number and Type of Testing Specimens...WPS Qualification," item #3., the smallest wall thickness possible for a PQR is 1/8" with either a 2" or 3" diameter tube (page 24 #3).

Table 3.8, "Number and Type of Testing Specimens...Welder Qualifications," item# 4., the smallest wall thickness to qualify a welder is zero with diameters of 4" or less (p. 31 #4).

Question: If my PQR is a 2" schedule. 80 pipe (p. 24 #3.), the smallest allowable, can I qualify my welders and write WPS' on pipe or tubing less than or equal to 4" with any wall thickness, based on the PQR? 

Also, could write a WPS and Qualification on a 3/8" diameter X .035" thickness tube based on that PQR?    

Is there another AWS aluminum code dealing with small diameter tubes?

Thank you for any help.
Parent - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 11-03-2008 17:38
The short answer is, you can qualify a WPS by way of a PQR with any tubing diameter and wall thickness.  The long answer...I don't really have time right now, so I will complete this tonight, if I can.  For now, I will say that if I were in your shoes, I would select a tube with a thicker wall and larger diameter, as it will be much easier to get your bend and tensile specimens from it. 
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 11-12-2008 20:14
    What you need to be looking at to qualify your PQR is on page 25 of D1.2(2003) under job size pipe or tubing < 24"  nominal wall thickness T<1/8"  and you should be able to follow the directions from there.  If you have more questions, ask away!  Like said above, tensiles are going to be tuff on that thin wall tubing, but then again I have never done a PQR on that small of tube. ;-) 

Ray C.
Parent - - By Ke1thk (**) Date 11-13-2008 18:43
Thanks Ray

Parent - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 11-13-2008 19:31
Sorry Keith, I totally screwed the pooch on this one, honestly forgot all about it.

I really had to re-read your questions.  If I understand you correctly, you are asking if a WPS which was qualified with 2" sched. 80 can be the basis for a welder qualification test on the smaller diameter/thinner wall.  I am going to say that the direct answer is no, because the minimum wall thickness allowable for the 2" sched. 80 for WPS qualification is 1/8".  This will lead you to page 25, the end of table 3.4, which states the essential variables for job size pipe and tube.  Your WPS will be limited to a min. T wall, max 2T.  The diameter will be limited to the test diameter and greater.  Use the resulting WPS as the basis for your welder quals. 

I apologize again for taking so long getting back to you.  Good luck.

And yes, Kix has it right in fewer words.  :)
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / AWS D1.2, PQR vs. Qualification

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