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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / steam card
- - By willbergj (**) Date 11-03-2008 17:44
what is a "steam card"?
how do i get one?
what tests are required to get it?

Parent - - By 464238 (**) Date 11-03-2008 20:37
You must be talking about the Oklahoma Steam Card which is a Certification that Oklahoma requires you to have if you are working on Steam lines. there are a number of test facilities that give the test in Tulsa but I can't remember which ones I believe Tulsa Gamma Ray gives the test or they would know where to get it. I believe the test costs somewhere around 90.00 and has to be renewed every year.

good luck
Parent - - By willbergj (**) Date 11-03-2008 22:15

what do i need to practice to pass?
6g? 6gr? tig?

all help is appreciated

Parent - By stkwldr (**) Date 11-04-2008 22:50 Edited 11-04-2008 22:56
If you are in Oklahoma here are the test facilities that will do the test and the application you send in with the test results for your card.
6G pipe test 6010, 7018 ...........$175.00

Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 11-05-2008 01:11

There is no such thing as a "steam card".  What you are referring to is (in Oklahoma) a state certification that you must have before you can take a jobsite test.  No card, no test. At least with the more reputable companies.

There has been some accurate info posted as to the test facilities and forms. As you can see there are a number of processes listed on the license form.  Some inspectors will travel to a local facility, such as a Vo-Tech, and test one, a few, or several welders at that site.
The prices do vary.

This  "welder certification card" is not good for boilers or pressure vessels.


Parent - - By willbergj (**) Date 11-05-2008 14:31
thanks to all

Parent - - By 464238 (**) Date 11-05-2008 17:51
you say there is no such thing as an Oklahoma Steam card but "Steam Card" is the if you will slang term for the Certification Card required by the State of Oklahoma to weld on Down stream steam. You are correct that the Certification does not allow you to weld on Boilers or Pressure vessels but that test will be performed by your Employer that is a "R" "U" "S" "PP" certificate holer. and will be tested in accordance with ASME sSection IX.
Parent - - By willbergj (**) Date 11-05-2008 21:56
i know in d1.1 code you can qualify in the tig process.  and qualify in 6g, but i was told that a "steam card" required you to qualify in tig and 6g.  if thats the case do i need to practice 6g using the tig process?


Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 11-05-2008 23:52
Incorrect to the second part.  No "steam card".  Many different processes are "certifiable" under the Ok Welding Law. These processes are listed on the application. It depends on what you or your employer may need. 

When I got my   WELDER CERTIFICATION CARD  (in Oklahoma), I tested on 6" sch 80 pipe in the 6G position using 5P+ root & hot pass and 7018 cap.

Again, it depends on what your or your employer's needs are.  You can indeed elect to test using Tig if you wish.

You may want to go to Oklahoma Dept of Labor, Safety Standards Division, welder certifications to check out some of this. I believe the actual links were posted earlier in this thread by someone else.

Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 11-05-2008 23:55
Mostly correct but NOT applicable to only steam. This certification is required for any pressure pipe welding in Oklahoma.

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / steam card

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