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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Hobart Institute Releases 2009 Training Materials Catalog
- By M Baker (**) Date 11-12-2008 17:31
For a free copy of the Hobart Institute's 2009 Training Materials Catalog, call 1-800-332-9448, ext. 5433 or send e-mail to 

The new catalog features the new curriculums in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of 2-inch and 6-inch pipe; a completely revised course for Symbols for Welding; and curriculum for Blueprint Reading for Fitters and Welders.  The complete courses include DVD's and instructor guides.  Student workbooks and tests are also available for purchase. 
Coming in 2009: Complete curriculum for Shielded Metal Arc Welding 2-inch Pipe Uphill; and Shielded Metal Arc Welding 6-inch Pipe Uphill.  Be sure to request the 2009 training materials catalog or order online at
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Hobart Institute Releases 2009 Training Materials Catalog

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