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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Stuck!!
- - By bullsnbets (**) Date 11-19-2008 18:12
Headed to make a repair...... Bad day.
Attachment: DamnRepairs.jpg (52k)
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-19-2008 18:35
Whoops!...looks like the bottom was a bit soft.
Parent - By bullsnbets (**) Date 11-19-2008 18:38
lol.... what bottom?
Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 11-19-2008 18:50
Dang...Tuff break. Sorry man. Nice rig though! lol

Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-19-2008 19:57
C'mon, you can't be stuck.  My Dodges have been deeper than that while hunting.  Oh, that's right, you were working.  Any old excuse to take a break.  Let's see some mud on that truck.

And do try to Have a Great Day, Brent
Parent - By chris2698 (****) Date 11-19-2008 20:12
that sucks nice rig though
Parent - By Jake331 (**) Date 11-19-2008 23:45
I hear ya.... I've been havin to get pulled out or somewhere about every other day...
Parent - By okiewelder2 (**) Date 11-20-2008 02:06
i dont see a fishin poll on your welding boat
Parent - - By michaelb (**) Date 11-20-2008 03:49
ej keep pouring the coals to the dodge she'll come out.  still in woodward? things are slowing up here in ks and might start looking. 
Parent - By bullsnbets (**) Date 11-20-2008 13:46
Give me a call Michael. There's 35 mi. of 16" kicking off mid Dec. It's not much, but it'll get a fella through the first of the year. I was gonna give Cactus a call and try to winter both my rigs down south, but it sounds like he's got his plate full. Lines kicking off in Custer City, OK., going to Geary, OK.

Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 11-20-2008 06:36
thats a welding rig not a fishin boat set up your sail and you'll get out lol. Have you heard from or seen justin o?
Parent - - By RioCampo (***) Date 11-20-2008 13:04
it's not the getting stuck that was the bad part. It was the walk out. Nothing like walking around all day in soggy shoes.
Parent - - By bullsnbets (**) Date 11-20-2008 13:40
I had to climb out the window and onto the bed, otherwise I would've filled her up with water. I had my rubber boots on, so when I jumped from the bed to the bank, it wasn't so bad. Fortunately the Dithchin Crew was right behind us, they came right over with a hoe and pulled ol Red to dry ground.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 11-21-2008 07:12
It might still be a good idea to check for water in the oil in the rear.
Parent - By bullsnbets (**) Date 11-20-2008 13:36
I talked to Justin a while back. I think he's in Utah doing Rehab work. I still get the ocassional colorful text from him.
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 11-23-2008 22:43
Thats a silly place to park but at least with all that bright red paint it won't be hard to find later.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Stuck!!

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