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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / rolling metal plate
- - By mountspire (*) Date 11-22-2008 14:56
What is the best way to roll a 1/4" or  1/2" plate in a double pinch roller? I have been doing this but I am not having the best of luck rolling a perfectly symetrical band. I would appreciate any comments that may help. I run the sheet in and raise the first roller up pinching the end of the sheet, then I run the other side thru and pinch it. Then I begin to run the plate thru until I get to the diameter that I need. I either do not pinch enough or I get way to carried away.
Parent - By tinner20 Date 11-22-2008 20:42
first of all, with metal thicker than 18 guage, to figure out the stretchout of the band u have to take the mean diameter because the metal stretches.  for example, 1/2 plate band with an i.d. dimension of 24 inches the stretchout would be i.d plus one thickness times pie. 24 + .5 x 3.14159 = 76 15/16".  To roll it, u back roll the first 6 inches (run it through the roll from the back roll through the pinch) to the required curve, (check it with a sheetmetal pattern). Once u get the first 6 inches, drop the back roll and bring up the front roll and run the whole piece through forwards till the end without taking it out of the roll. Tighten the roll up a little and run it through backwards, (backrolling is considerablly tighter, but this will give the other end the proper radius), all the while checking the piece with your pattern, until the ends meet.  I believe it is impossible to roll thick plate in one or two rolls without getting flat spots.  If you work at it a little at a time it will come out beautiful.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / rolling metal plate

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