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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / A Different View of the Economy
- - By js55 (*****) Date 12-01-2008 15:07
OK. The economy is in the toilet right?
I thought so myself. And yet 75% of people in a recent poll said they were going to spend as much or more on Christmas this year as last year. This was confirmed with a 3% holiday spending increase on Black Friday (a traditional measure) over last year. Though the next wo days dropped, but of course a large portion of the country was gettin snowed on which isn't exactly conducive to holiday shopping.
Now I ain't sayin it aint bad, but do we really need our President elect economic "Dream Team" (a phrase that is getting rather tiresome) to "do Something" "do anything" to get us back on track? These people scare the crap outa me! We really don't need them experimenting with their "new ideas".
I really hate saying this but this is one time I surely hope this is a Dog and Pony Show on the part of our President Elect. All they're going to do is make it worse. Although, I will say there is hope in that the Obama camp has let it leak that he may extend the Bush tax cuts. Of course, this won't sit well with his "mean old rich" liberal constituency. But I'm behind Obama all the way on this one. Heck, Obama may become a Supply Sider after all.  Nah!
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 12-01-2008 15:43
It is broke, we voted to fix it.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 12-01-2008 16:35
What's broke?
Fix what?
I certainly wouldn't give any President carte blanche to fix something as huge and complicated and certainly ambiguous aand interconnected as "The economy". Not to mention that governments don't fix economies. Never have. They can certainly influence it to a certain degree, mostly to its detriment. But we really need to dispense with this idea that goverments "raise the hood " of "an economy" and then troubleshoot the problem and then "prescribe the cure". Besides, The economy (whatever that may mean) ain't broke. Just some sectors. Its essentialy the same economy we had in the growth years of Reagan, Clinton, and Bush.
Stopping bad loans? Ok I'm with you.
Out of control government spending? Yeah. I'm on board.
Oil price speculation? Yup.

Spending 3 times what the auto industry even asked for (see Pelosi) or even 1.4 Trillion (see other democratic proposals) on  an auto bailout?  No way!!
Raising taxes? Nope.
Protectionism? Nope.
You wanna do roads and bridges? Fine, I'm all for it. But not windmills.

I just think its a good idea to keep an eye on the fox in the henhouse to make sure that "fixing the economy" doesn't run into progressive meddling and experimentation based upon social agendas. Of course, the good news for the President elect is that no matter how bad he and his dream team scroo it up he can always blame that mean old Bush, and the majority of us will buy it. See Roosevelt.

I'd also argue the assumption that the election was a mandate to "fix it". If it hadn't been for the Iraq war and Bush hatred (an approval rating in the dumpster long before the "economy" went south) the election would have easily gone the other way. And that wouldn't have been a mandate either. What did McCain end up with 46%? 4% shy of half of the voting population is hardly a mandate for radical economic meddling.
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 12-01-2008 17:53
I swear js55, you are gonna worry your self in to an early grave. Spend some time living instead of worrying about living. Turn your TV off and have some coffe, smell the Roses.:-)
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 12-01-2008 19:30
I appreciate your concern.   :)
I'm fine.
A love of political debate, and a respect for its importance, is no evidence of a void in my life.
Besides, If I do begin to feel a little stressed I have this video of a two legged horse that always makes me smile. And a book entitled The Zen of Zelda on my desk.
I prefer Columbines and Snow Plants.
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 12-01-2008 20:51
"A love of political debate, and a respect for its importance, is no evidence of a void in my life".

Ya think? :-)

I never would have guessed.

Zen of Zelda? is that still around? I no longer have patients or the manual dexterity for that.  Now days I have to use 2 hands on the stinger just to weld.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 12-01-2008 20:56
I always used two hands. Even with SAW.  :)
Parent - - By NEQA (**) Date 12-01-2008 18:32 Edited 12-01-2008 18:54
How can it be worse? The Country is officially in a recession. That's all you Rethuglicans can say.....Obama this - Obama that. How they scare the crap out of you. And Bush doesn't? George W. Bush is President of the US - not Barack Obama. This is George W. Bush's recession - nobody elses. Yes, the same George W. Bush who today said "he was not prepared for war" when discussing his actions in Iraq.

The only dumber person on this planet is Sarah (I can see Russia from my house Palin). Followed closely by the Bush kool-aid drinkers.

Bush: 'I'm Sorry' About the Financial Crisis
The president told ABC's "World News" in an interview that he will support additional federal intervention, if necessary, to ease the recession.

President Bush is expressing remorse that the global financial crisis has cost jobs and damaged retirement accounts.

The president told ABC's "World News" in an interview that he will support additional federal intervention, if necessary, to ease the recession. The interview will air Monday night.

Bush told the network: "I'm sorry it's happening, of course."

The National Bureau of Economic Research reported on Monday that the U.S. economy fell into a recession in December 2007.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 12-01-2008 19:34

"Sarah (I can see Russia from my house Palin)."

You do know that was Tina Fey don't you?

Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 12-01-2008 20:07
  Sorry for getting off track with my reply, I do not mean to derail your thread. It is just that Obama and his smokescreens really tick me off.

Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 12-01-2008 20:35
Its alright.
Some might be stunned to hear that I do see some encouraging signs. Obama is keeping Bush's Defense Secratary for a year or so. This is good, though it has to chap some hides. He seems to be holding to his hawkish stance on Afghanistan and seems to have consented to the agreed upon timed Iraqi withdrawal which is a little slower than his 4th or 5th revised withdrawal time table. This is good too. And his leaking of his keeping Bush's tax cuts in place is good as well.
If he keeps slippin to the right he just might work out OK. But I've stocked up on Snickers just in case.
At least early rhetoric wise its gettin tougher to tell the difference between him and Bush. Old Nancy and Harry are gonna have to put the hammer down before this gets outa control.  :)
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 12-01-2008 19:57
You know what grinds my gears???? I am not a dem or pub. But for Obama to have the gall to start worring about college football pi**es me off. COLLEGE FOOTBAL for Christ sake!!!!! He needs to worry about fullfilling the BS promises he made to dupe people into voting for him NOT college football. I mean, seriously, college football!!!! He has way more important things to worry about than that.

Bush sucks!! But so does Obama and his SMOKESCREEN!!!  And while we are at it, NO I do not think McCain is the right guy either.

Anybody who is not even in office yet and is worrying about college football should be IMPEACHED. What a DUMBA**!!!!!

My 2 cents while it is still worth that, and I can part with it. Those of us that have put in 2 cents here and there are very soon going to regret parting with the money thanks to Mr. Smokescreen.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 12-01-2008 22:24
Well I for one am certainly glad we have decided to stop the political posts!
seems like the Obama bashing is stronger than ever, by the way he is not in office yet. I for one would not be calling the kettle black if my current party representative was the mass murdering Mr. Bush. Why is there this drive for some to continually degrade the job that he has not yet started??? Why be such a pessimist? How about a strategy of waiting and seeing the fruits of his labor, then judge him? Not trying to relate every news story to your own prejudices.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 12-02-2008 01:38
  You repied to my post so I will give you my answer to the question.

Damn...It went political!!! SOOooo.. I will say again, I am from niether party. I think they ALL suck.

I have a very few, but heartfelt issues with OUR president elect. One of which is His mere acknoledgement of college football at this point in His intern.

BUT I will say that I have been suprised by some of what my politically uneducated mind is grasping lately.

Just throwing it out there, and NO ONE should put too much into my posts when it comes to political crap because I truly am from the backwoods when it comes to that. LOL

Best wishes for the Holidays,
jrw159 :-)
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 12-02-2008 13:58
I hope that somebody gets a NCAA playoff system in place.  Maybe not the president but someone.  I don't think that Obama's 8 team system (others have talked about it too) is the answer.  I want to get rid of non conference games and play each conference team both at home and away.  After the conference championship the winner will go to the playoff consisting of each conference champion.  But that is just me.
Parent - - By Idylwyld (*) Date 12-01-2008 22:38
How can it be worse? The Country is officially in a recession.

If Obama has not lived up to at least half of his campaign promises AND fixed the economy the recession will hang around his neck like a lead balloon. 

Hes talked the talk, now... lets see can he produce.

I think we are headed for a replay of the Carter years. I hope Im wrong....

I did not vote for him. 
Parent - - By RioCampo (***) Date 12-02-2008 03:09
2 years and 6 dollar gas. Obama will be the most unpopular man in america. All the people he promised a free ride to that voted for him will be on the bash wagon. Most people only veoted for him because they were sick of Clinton and Bush policy. It's all anybody up to about 35 or so really knows.
They have no idea how hard things are liable to get before it gets better.
Parent - By Jim12 (**) Date 12-02-2008 06:27
Most politicians to one degree or another have already made theyre money then once in office rape the tax payers for all the perks and benefits that they have graciousley voted on for themselves. It would almost be like going to work and telling your boss that you voted for a 20% wage increase wether you deserve it or not! And please somebody tell Harry Reid to stop talking out the side of his neck!
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 12-02-2008 07:38
The recession began Feb 10 2007 day that dude with no evidence of a birth certificate filed to run!  :(    Why not say that ?  Who can believe stupid news media or gov when it began.  It began for some of us 2 years before an election, during and will last for 2 years after then time to election the next flubber.  Yeah it's all Georgies fault huh?  Billy Bob, Hill Rod, and Teddy Joe had nothing to do with sending jobs to China huh?  New sec Hillrod will just let them ruskys in our back door to finish us off taking more oil from south and off the coast next probably and sell it back for such a big price your welder better be able to run off a windmill.   Wind blows here everyday could run that welder fine that way but won't be nuthin to weld greenies going to tax your rod and smoke till no more sparks.  :)
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / A Different View of the Economy

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