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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / GTAW Tungsten Grinding?
- By HugoEckener Date 11-21-2001 21:08

I have heard that you want to have a dedicated grinding wheel for sharpening your tungsten electrodes, meaning the grinding wheel isn't used to also sharpen HSS tools or for whatever else you may grind. I have been told that you should do this to reduce cross contamination, from the HSS tool to the wheel and then to the electrode. This makes sense and seems reasonable, especially if you are striving to limit contamination or porosity.
But, if I am going to the trouble of having a dedicated grinding wheel for my tungstens, shouldn't I also be concerned about the composition of my grinding wheel and how that could contaminate my tungsten or is this a non issue? If HSS can imbedded into the grinding wheel and from there imbedded into the tungsten, wouldn't you have to be concerned about the grinding wheel doing the same whether its Aluminum Oxide or Silicon Carbide or etc. to the tungsten. If this is a concern, what type of grinding wheel material should one select?

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / GTAW Tungsten Grinding?

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